





( )1. A. before B. beside C. behind

( )2.A. hurt B. neck C. next

( )3.A. rest B. bad C. get

( )4.A. bed B. bad C. bat

( )5.A. walks B. work C. word

( )6.A. points B. plant C. prince

( )7. A. zoo B. street C. cinema

( )8.A. house B. home C. hospital

( )9. A. near B. along C. always

( )10. A. visit B. sit C. get

二、听录音,根据所听问句, 选择正确的答句。(5’,听两遍)

( )1. A. Because I feel hot. B. Yes, I am.

C.Because it’s my birthday today.

( )2.A. He should go to bed early. B. She should go to bed early.

C. They should go to bed early.

( )3. A.Yes, there is. B. There’s a playground in our school.

C. There are two pianos in the music room

( )4.A.It’s Cinderella’s. B. They’re Cinderella.

C. They’re Cinderella’s.

( )5. A. Yes, I do. B. No, you aren’t. C. Yes, we are.


( )1. The hospital is very near here.

( )2. The man can take Bus No.16 to the hospital.

( )3. The hospital is on Green Street.

( )4. The man has a toothache.

( )5. The man should take a taxi.


The Zoo is far from your _______. You can _______ a _______ there. You get on at_______ Station and get off at _______ _______ Station and then _______ to Star ______. There’s a _______ on the right. You can find the zoo _______ to it.



( ) 1. A. trousers B. dress C. tree

( ) 2. A. shoe B. chair C.sheep

( ) 3. A. ride B. bedtime C. film

( ) 4. A. metro B. before C. help

( ) 5. A. late B. about C. along


1. fairy (复数) ________ 2.sit (第三人称单数) ________

3. good (反义词) ________ 4. teeth (单数) ________

5. should (否定形式) ________ 6. get on (反义词组) ________

7. go (第三人称单数) ________ 8. they (宾格) ________

9.Mike (名词所有格) ________ 10. can not (缩写形式) ________


( ) 1. Please put ________ the new shoes, Amy.

A. in B. on C. at

( ) 2. We shouldn’t ________ sweets.

A. eat too many B. eats some C. eat too much

( ) 3. My dad ________ so.

A. think B. don’t think C. doesn’t think

( ) 4. I can’t drink ________eat now.

A. and B. or C. too

( ) 5. I come out ________ Park Station.

A. with B. from C. of

( ) 6. What’s wrong ________him?

A. with B. for C. of

( ) 7. I can’t eat ________.

A. anything B. something C. any

( ) 8. Why ________ he ________ a toothache?

A. does, has B. does, have C. do, have

( ) 9. My mother ________ her legs.

A. hurts B. hurt C. hurting

( ) 10. —Is the park far ________ the zoo?

—No, it isn’t. It’s ________ the supermarket.

A. to, to B. from, near C. for, on

( ) 11. Many girls ________ on the shoe, and it only ________ Cinderella.

A. try; fit B. tries; fit C. try; fits

( ) 12. It’s very hot today. Please ________ the coat.

A. take off B. put on C. try on

( ) 13. Can you show your new pen ________ us?

A. for B. with C. to

( ) 14. I want ________ the kite now.

A. flies B. flying C. to fly

( ) 15. —Why can’t we eat these sweets?

— Because they’re bad ________ our teeth.

A. to B. for C. at

( ) 16. —________ do you live?

—I live near my school.

A. What B. How C. Where

( )17. In the UK, we ask"Where’s the __________?"

A. mushrooms B. restroom C. toilet

( )18. From the book, we know Mr.Ploppy is a ________.(朗文6)

A. man B. fish C. frog

( )19. When Jane feels sick, she always___________.(快乐英语P29)

A. sleeps B. sees the doctor C. Buys a lollipop

( )20. Sam is seven years old. He is a ____________.(快乐英语P11)

A. man B. middle school(中学) student

C. primary school(小学) student

四、情景搭配, 从右栏中选出与左栏相应的答句。(10’)

( )1. Would you like some coffee? A.Yang Ling and Su Hai.

( )2. How many lessons do you have? B.They're Jim's.

( )3. Where do you live? C. Sorry, I don't know. I’m new here.

( )4. When does David go to the zoo? D. I live near City Library.

( )5. Whose clothes are these? E. Because it's my birthday.

( )6. Why are you so happy? F. No, I don't.

( )7. Do you see my football? G. He visits his uncle.

( )8. What does he often do on Sundays? H.Eight.

( )9. Who cleans the classrooms? I.Yes, please.

( )10. How can I get to the bookshop? J. Every weekend.


1. Please come and help ________ (I).

2. The dress ________ (not fit) me.

3. I can’t hear ________ (good).

4. I like ________ (read) fairy tales.

5. —Where ________ your friend ________ (live)?

—He ________ (live) in the UK.

6. You should ________ (go) to bed early.

7.That tall boy is a ________(王子). He’s very handsome(英俊的).

8. I can’t go to school today ________ (因为)I have a fever.


A. Look! Here’s a new dress for you.

B. It’s 8:10.

C. Wow! It’s time for the party. Why can’t you go to the party?

D. Hi, Amy. What time is it now?

E. Because I don’t have any new clothes.

F. Great!

G. Thank you. Let me put it on and go to the party with you.

D→( )→( )→( )→( )→( ) →F


Jerry is a fat boy. He comes from the US. Today, Jerry isn’t happy, because he is ill. He can’t go to play basketball with his friends at school. He can’t jump or run. He can’t eat hamburgers or drink milk. He must stay in bed. He feels very bad. His friends come to see him in the afternoon. They take some storybooks for him. Jerry likes reading storybooks very much. They all hope Jerry get better soon.


( ) 1. Jerry is from ________.

A. Canada B. the US C. China

( ) 2. Jerry is ________ today.

A. happy B. fine C. sad

( ) 3. Jerry can’t ________ today.

A. play basketball B. have a rest C. drink warm water

( ) 4. Jerry’s friends come to see him ________.

A. in the morning B. in the afternoon C. in the evening

( ) 5. Jerry’s friends give ________ to him.

A. some toys B. a robot C. some storybooks


