

现在,有了这些打电话常用语,你还怕用英语打电话吗?恩,相信自己,你能! 同学们今天就来恶补如何用英语打电话吧!

用英语打电话的经典开场白: Hello! May I talk to Harry Potter please? 喂,请问哈利波特在吗?

This is Voldemort from Dark World. I'm calling to confirm our appointment this afternoon. 我是黑暗世界公司的伏地魔,想跟他确认一下今天下午的决斗。

接电话的就是本人: Speaking. This is Harry Potter. 我就是,请讲。

接电话的不是本人,需要转接: I'll put you through. I'll put him on the phone. Just a second. 我帮你转接给他,请稍等。

人不在,需要留言: He's not available now. Would you like to leave a message?

他现在不能接听你的电话,你想给他留言吗? Would you like to call back 30 minutes later?

你可以半小时后再打过来吗?急,或者不急: It’s urgent. Could I have his mobile phone number?

我有急事找他,可以告诉我他的手机号码吗? It’s nothing urgent. Thank you! 没什么要紧事,谢谢你! Please ask him to call me back. 请他有空的时候回我电话吧。

【电话 Telephone】


This is Ken. 我是Ken

Ken speaking. / This is Ken speaking. 我是Ken

This is Peter Jackson calling. 我是Peter Jackson


Excuse me, who is this? 不好意思,请问您是哪一位

May I ask who is calling, please? 请问您是哪一位?


Can I have extension 321? 可以帮我转接分机321吗?

Could I speak to...? 我可以跟~讲话吗?

I would like to speak to Mr. Wang. 我想找王先生

Is Jack in the office? Jack在吗?

Is Mary there? Mary在吗?

Would you connect me to General Affairs Department? 可以帮我转接总务部吗?


I'll put you through. 我帮您转接

I’ll connect you. 我帮您转接

I’ll transfer your call to the General Affairs Department. 我帮您把电话转到总务部

I’ll connect you to extension 231. 我帮您转接分机231

Can you hold on a moment? Can you hold the line? 请稍候,不要挂断 Just a moment.或Just a minute. 请等一下

I’ll get her. 我去叫她

I’ll put her on. 我现在就请她过来接电话


I'm afraid he is not available at the moment. 恐怕他目前无法接听电话。 Mr. Jackson isn't in. 不在

Mr Jackson is out at the moment. 目前外出

She is not here right now. 她目前人不在这

He’ll be back soon. 他很快就会回来

He’ll be back in an hour. 他应该一个小时之内会回来

She’s in a meeting now. 她正在开会 *in a meeting: 会议中

He has a guest now. 他现在有客人

He’s off today. 他今天休假

The line is busy. 电话正在通话中

I can’t get through to him. 我无法接通他

