



Early autumn in the pumpkin garden, there came seven wide mice escaping from a big and terrifying cat. They rushed into green vines and leaves aplenty with big and roundpumpkins.

The prideful cat hunted around like a chicken with its head cut off in vain and finally left in dismay.

"Hooray, we are safe now!"

When they came out, they were deeply attracted. The giant pumpkin leaves were as huge as the lotus leaves while the pumpkins were orange through a summer's sunlight.

The smallest mouse's nose jutted out and got very close to a pumpkin. He smelled with a smile: "Great, it's sweat! It must be the biggest pumpkin I've ever seen. I am hungry now. I guess it must be better in my belly!"

Other six mice were hungry to "Running costs energy!"

They rushed to the pumpkin and bit holes with their shape teeth. They ate, ate and ate not only the delicious meat but also the seed. Finally they stopped eating and felt good for their full and round bellies.

Then they burped and climbed out of the pumpkin. When they saw their great work, they all laughed: "Aha, look, the pumpkin has holes here and there!"

The smallest mouse suddenly had a good idea and shouted: "Why not roll it as a pumpkin cart. It must be very interesting!"

Other six mice all agreed:"Just do it!"

Then they all entered the pumpkin shell and pushed it ahead forcefully: "One, two, three, go!"

Just at that time, the cat unwilling to give up returned back.

When he saw such giant pumpkin rolled at him with bright eyes shining in holes and heard thedeafening song, he screamed: "Ghost is coming!"

The cat ran away in fear and never came back.

All the mice cheered up and sang:

"Pumpkin cart, pumpkin cart,

Orange and beautiful,

We are your great driver.

Pumpkin cart, pumpkin cart,

Giant and brave,

You can defeat the evil.

Pumpkin cart, pumpkin cart,

Belong to seven mice…"


A frog lived in a shallow well.

One day, it met beside the well a large soft-shelled turtle which had just crawled up from the sea.

The frog bragged to the turtle: "Look, how happy I am to live here! When I feel glad, I would bounce for a while near the well; and when I am tired, I would return to the well to sleep and rest for a while by the brick hole. Sometimes, I would quietly soak my whole body in the water, showing only my head and mouth. Sometimes, I would stroll in the soft mud, which is very comfortable. None of those tiny crabs and tadpoles can comparewhit me. I am the master of this well, free and unrestrained. Why don't you come often to play in the well?"

Hearing this, the turtle was itching to go down to take a look. But before he put his left foot into the well, his right foot stumbled. He quickly retreated two steps and told the frog about the sea: "Have you ever seen the sea? The sea is very, very wide, over 1000 li. The sea is very, very deep, over 1000 Zhang. In ancient times, in nine years out of ten there were floods, but the water in the sea did not rise much. Later, in seven years out of eight there were droughts, but the water in the sea did not drop much. Neither big floods nor big droughts can affect the sea. Only living in the sea can you feel real happiness!"

Amazed at what the big turtle had said, the frog was dumbstruck.




海龟听了青蛙的话,心里痒痒的,准备下去看看。但是它的左脚还没伸进去,右脚就已经绊住了。它连忙后退了两步,把大海的情形告诉青蛙,说:“你见过大海吗?海很大很大, 那止千里;海很深很深,哪止千丈。古时候,十年里有九年发大水。但是海里的水涨高不了多少。后来,八年里有七年要大旱,可是海里的水也不见得浅了多少。大涝和大旱都影响不了大海。住在大海里,才是真正的快乐呢!”



Once, a fox and a hare became friends with the purpose of defending themselves against their joint enemy, the hunters, and made an oath to each other: to the same life and death, through thick and thin. One day, they were enjoying the natural beauty together in the fields when a party of hunters came and shot the hare dead. The fox had a narrow escape. After the hunters had gone, the fox came and wept over the death of his mate.

An elderly gentleman who happened to pass by was surprised at the scene. Curiously, he asked the fox the reason of her bitter weeping.

The fox sorrowfully replied: "We are small animals. Being the prey of hunters, we had planned to defend ourselves against our joint enemy, the hunters, and promised to share life and death through thick and thin. Now our enemy has killed my companion. His death may mean the death of me tomorrow. We are real friends and real friends must share everything. How could I not help weeping!"

"Oh, I see. You have good reasons to weep over the death of such a partner," exclaimed the elderly gentleman.

The idiom, "The fox is sad at the death of the hare," comes from the story above,illustrating how one feels sad for the death or misfortunes of his companions.





