




Those who smoke and drink heavily may develop pancreatic cancer at an earlier age than those who don't, according to a study published Monday in the American Journal of Gastroenterology.


The study involved 811 pancreatic cancer patients from the international database Pancreatic Cancer Collaborative Registry, which gathers information on patients with pancreatic cancer and at high-risk for developing pancreatic cancer. In the study, heavy smokers were defined as those who smoked more than a pack per day, and heavy drinking was measured at about three average drinks per day.

研究人员对Pancreatic Cancer Collaborative Registry国际数据库中811名胰腺癌患者的信息进行研究其中包括一般的胰腺癌患者和潜在高危的胰腺癌患者。在这项研究中,大量吸烟人群是指那些每天至少抽一包烟的人,酗酒人群是指那些每天饮酒量达到一般社交饮酒量的3倍。

The researchers from University of Michigan Health System found the heavy smokers with pancreatic cancer were diagnosed around age 62 and heavy drinkers at age 61 -- almost a decade earlier than the average age of 72. However, the harmful effects of heavy drinking and smoking could be reversed -- after 10 years, former smokers and drinkers who quit their habits faced no extra risk of earlier diagnosis, the study said.


The researchers cautioned that the study only indicates these habits can lead to developing pancreatic cancer earlier in life, instead of proving the habits caused cancer.




If you smoke, you already know you need to quit. It’s bad for your heart, lungs, brain, andeven your sex life.


But let’s face it: You’d have kicked the habit yesterday if smoking’s ill effects were a bit moreobvious. What if each cigarette created a black pockmark on your face, for instance?


Well, smoking does damage your looks.


Bags under your eyes


Don’t you hate it when you can’t get a good night’s sleep—and it shows on your face?


If you smoke, you’re four times as likely as nonsmokers to report feeling unrested after anight’s sleep, according to Johns Hopkins study.


Why the lack of shut-eye? It’s possible that nightly nicotine withdrawal could be causing youto toss and turn. And unfortunately, poor sleep doesn’t equal pretty


Icky teeth


Wouldn’t you love to have a set of dazzling white, Hollywood-like choppers? If you smoke, youcan kiss that dream good-bye.


It’s the nicotine in cigarettes that can stain teeth.


So in addition to the escalating costs of buying and smoking your cigs, add in the cost oftooth whitening. A professional procedure to clean your teeth costs an average of $500 to$1,000


Premature aging and wrinkles


Wrinkles look anything but wise when they show up on a relatively young person who smokes.


And show up they will. Experts agree that smoking accelerates aging, so that smokers look 1.4years older than nonsmokers, on average.


Why the wrinkly face? Smoking hampers the blood supply that keeps skin tissue lookingsupple and healthy.

为什么脸上会出现皱纹?吸烟妨碍使皮肤组织保持健康弹性的血液供应。Thinner hair


As if the wrinkly skin wasn’t enough, smoking hurts your hair too. Experts think the toxicchemicals in smoke can damage the DNA in hair follicles and generate cell-damaging freeradicals as well.


The end result? Smokers have thinner hair that tends to go gray sooner than nonsmokers.最终的结果?吸烟者头发稀疏且往往比不吸烟者更快变灰。

Men who smoke are about twice as likely to lose their hair as nonsmokers, after taking intoaccount factors that increase the risk of baldness, such as aging and genetics, according to a2007 study in Taiwan.


Yellow fingers


The nicotine in cigarette smoke can not only make your teeth (and the walls of your home)brown, but it’s also notorious for staining fingers and nails as well.


If you search the Internet, you can find a number of home remedies, including lemon juice,bleach solutions, and scrubbing with steel wool. Ouch.


Wouldn’t it be easier—and less painful—to just quit?




ONLY 3 percent of Shanghai women smoke but experts said yesterday that they are seeing a rising number of young women turning to cigarettes in the mistaken belief it will help them stay slim.


Doctors say smoking is never a good way to lose weight and is a bad habit that can damage the skin and cause fertility problems.


Xu Liping, a doctor at the Shanghai Time Plastic Surgery Hospital, said more than 80 percent of female out-patients who smoke complained of skin problems.


"Compared with men, women are more likely to suffer skin problems from smoking," Xu said. "They get more wrinkles, especially around their eyes and lips, compared to women who do not smoke."


"Instead of looking to get a facelift, I suggest these women quit smoking, which is the cause of all sorts of problems," he said.


He added: "In my clinic, 30 percent of smoking women are fatter than those who don't smoke."


Hu Zhaoming, vice director of the Shanghai Association for Smoking Control, said that a long-held belief that smoking can keep people fit wasn't true.


Alice Huang, 25, who saw doctors yesterday about spots on her face, was told laser therapy was the only answer. She was surprised to learn the spots were caused by smoking.


Huang said she had read online that smoking could help control weight and that's why she took up the habit eight years ago.


