

in conclusion是其中一个具有总结性的英语短语。下面是小编给大家整理的总结性的英语短语,供大家参阅!

总结性的英语短语in a word英语例句

1. In a word, this government isn't fit to rule.


2. I cannot resist slipping in a word of advice.


3. Victor, in a word, got increasingly fed up.


4. None of your business. Don't put in a word.

没你的事, 别答碴儿.

5. In a word, the induced e . m . f . lags behind the current.

总之, 感应电动势滞后于电流.

6. He edged in a word.


7. In a word, he tires of everything.

简言之, 他对一切都感到厌倦了.

8. "Shouldn't he be given the leading role?" — "In a word — No."


9. In a word, I can't go out as I have many things to do.

总而言之, 我不能出去,因为我有许多事情要做.

10. Don't worry , though : I'll put in a word for her!

不要怕! 我去讨情.

11. In a word, you found out something you had not known before.

一句话, 你弄懂你以前不明白的事.

12. In a word, McLennan's defense was miserably feeble.

总之, 麦克伦南的辩护是极端软弱无力的.

13. Winter is, in a word, unacceptable.

总之, 冬天是难以让人接受的.

14. This is one of the most common operations in a word processor.


15. In a word , we'll provide you with all good service.


总结性的英语短语in brief英语例句

1. In brief, take no risks.


2. To begin with, I'd like to tell in brief the importance of the work.

首先, 我想简要谈谈这项工作的重要性.

3. In brief the historicist claims that sociology is theoretical history.


4. In brief, it envisaged the destruction of special privileges.

简言之, 它主张摧毁特权.

5. In brief, Lydgate was what is called a successful man.

总之, 利德盖特是我们所说的飞黄腾达的人.

6. Please tell me what happened in brief, don't go into details.

扼要地告诉我发生了什么, 不必讲得太详细.

7. In brief, your work is bad.

总之, 你做得不好.

8. In brief, the matter stands thus.

简单地说, 事情是这样的.

9. The two old people shimmered in brief rainbows.


10. In brief, the birefringence is varied eletronically by means of a controlled applied electric field.

简言之, 用一个受控的外加电场以电子学方法来改变双折射.

11. One of the boys had said: " Here comes Reverend Grimes, " and nodded, in brief, respectful silence.

一个男孩子说了声: “ 格兰姆斯牧师来了, ” 跟着点了点头, 恭恭敬敬地沉默大片刻.

12. Generally his ideas were expressed in brief sententious phrase, spoken in low voice.


13. This , in brief, was the Good Neighbor policy at work in the economic field.

简言之, 这就是睦邻政策在经济领域的运用.

14. In brief, no tests or exams should be ignored in any situation.

总而言之, 在任何时候都不可以忽视任何一个测验或考试.

15. In this paper, we review some latest progresses in brief.


总结性的英语短语in conclusion英语例句

1. In conclusion she wished her comrades every success in their work.


2. In conclusion, walking is a cheap, safe, enjoyable and readily available form of exercise.


3. In conclusion, more theoretical and experimental research must be conducted.

总之, 必须进一步开展理论和试验研究.

4. In conclusion, the writer warned his young readers, " You must guard against falling in love.

最后作者教训似地劝告青年: “ 应该反对恋爱,不可轻惹情丝. ”

5. In conclusion, I'd like to thank you for all you've done for me.

最后, 我要感谢你们为我所做的一切.

6. In conclusion we note the following general items concerning flow in supersonic nozzles.


7. In conclusion, the deep incised valley in the stratigraphical cross - section was brush - fire.

分析认为, 研究剖面附近的深切河槽是局部的深切结果.

8. So, in conclusion, let me recap a couple of key themes.

因此, 在最后, 让我重提一个重要主题的情侣.

9. In conclusion, tonifying kidney and Du meridian is the proper treatment principle.


10. In conclusion , the OD is a promising kind of wave power device.


11. In Conclusion, the author sums up the main result of this study.

结论, 主要总结了本论题的研究结果.

12. In conclusion, your better look at the bright side the matter.

总之, 你要看到这件事积极的一面.

13. In conclusion: The phrase that wakes up the audience.

总之: 这个短语让听众醒来.

14. In conclusion , a good citizen should abide by traffic regulations.


15. In conclusion, this is another exciting set of figures from Caesar.

最后,我们的结论是, 这又是一盒振奋人心的凯撒兵人.

