






1. 知识基础薄弱:零星知识多反复,及时巩固练习; 系统知识面向全体,零起点讲授;知识分层次,要求有梯度。

2. 学习不主动:课上小组合作,扩大参与;课下留预习、巩固作业,课前检查;假期作业及时上交、批改,严格要求。

3. 学习状态不稳定,阶段性波动:课上多关注,多提问,课后针对性单独谈话,了解情况,力所能及给予正确引导和帮助。

4. 学习不够刻苦,惰性强;信心不足,困难和压力面前易退缩:

① 知识归纳详细,结构清晰,层次分明,精益求精。力求做到最易懂、最典型、最精炼,并印成规范单页纸下发,以备随时复习、查阅。用自身努力助学生事半功倍。

② 重理解、轻记忆;重思维与技能养成、轻大量信息涌入式记忆;力争最大程度提高技能,促一劳永逸,减轻学习压力。

③给学生成长和进步的时间与空间, 不急于求成,让学生在轻松、愉悦的氛围里学习,不知不觉中获得知识与技能的积累。






1. What’s the woman?

A. A restaurant cook. B. An experienced baker. C. A hotel waitress.

2. What’s the man getting his English teacher for her birthday?

A. A scarf B. Flowers C. A dictionary

3. How many people visited Mr. Lee’s office this morning?

A. One B. Four C. None

4. Which book has the man’s brother bought?

A. A history book.

B. An English textbook.

C. A Chinese textbook.

5. What should the man do according to the woman?

A. Look in the study group area.

B. Join the study group.

C. Look in the lounge for the study group.

第二节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)



6. Where does the conversation take place?

A. At the nurse’s station. B. At a hospital ward.

C. At the doctor’s office.

7. Which of the following is mentioned in the conversation?

A. The bill. B. Visiting hours. C. Meal hours.

8. What can we learn from the conversation?

A. The woman is a new doctor.

B. The man doesn’t think very highly of the woman.

C. The man is new here.


9. When did the man plan to meet Cathy?

A. At 7:00.

B. At 7:30.

C. At 9:00.

10. What did the man finally buy?

A. A shirt and a coat. B. A shirt. C. Nothing.

11. What do we learn about Cathy?

A. She first went to the east entrance to meet the man.

B. She hoped to meet the man at 7:30.

C. She met the man at 9:30 at the main entrance.


12. How does the man know Bill has a baby girl?

A. From his colleague.

B. From his schoolmate.

C. From his neighbour.

13. What happened to Mark this morning?

A. He smoked too much and coughed a lot.

B. He had an accident on the way to work.

C. He felt terrible when he woke up.

14. What will the two speakers do tomorrow?

A. Hold a farewell party for David.

B. Have a celebration for Bill.

C. Visit Bill’s wife in the hospital.

请听第9段材料,回答第15 至17题。

15. Where will the man have Thanksgiving?

A. At his own home. B. At the woman’s. C. At his parents’.

16. What do people eat at the woman’s home on Thanksgiving?

A. Turkey, sweet potatoes and apple pie.

B. Turkey, salty potatoes and pumpkin pie.

C. Turkey, sweet potatoes and pumpkin pie.

17. What are the men doing while the women are cooking?

A. Helping the women with the cooking.

B. Doing some exercise.

C. Watching football games.


18. In how many countries has Avatar been shown besides North America according to the talk?

A. 4. B. 5. C. 6.

19. When is the movie Avatar set?

A. 2145. B. 2154. C. 2159.

20. What can we learn from the talk?

A. Avatar’s budget was over $400 million.

B. It took 6 years to make Avatar.

C. Avatar has won Oscar awards.

第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)

第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


21. It’s ______ good feeling for people to admire the Shanghai World Expo that gives them ______ pleasure.

A. /; a B. a; / C. the; a D. a; the

22. Unless ______ , we’ll have to shut down some branch companies for lack of money.

A. discussed B. financed C. encouraged D. renamed

23. With your help, there is no doubt ______ our plan is meant for will work out successfully.

A. that what B. whether that C. what that D. that whether

24.When electric cars become ______ , we’ll need to build more charging stations.

A. available B. accessible C. attractive D.


25. A scientist who can speak English is in closer touch with those of other countries than ______ who doesn’t.

A. that B. those C. / D. one

26. He doesn’t spend any more money on clothing than I do, but ______ he manages to look so stylish.

A.therefore B. somehow C. furthermore D. otherwise

27. Buses have routes. They ________ and ________ people at different places on the routes.

A. take on, get off B. pick up, drop off

C. take up; take off D. pick out; drop out

28. Green economy offers a new model ______ people could both protect the climate and develop the economy, according to what Li said at the International Cooperative Conference on Green Economy and Climate Change.

A. how B. why C. where D. which

29. — How do you find the town you visited yesterday?

— The town has changed out of all ______ in the past 20 years, a completely new one in front of me.

A. realization B. description C. expression D.


30. ______, but the idea of having to work more than ten hours a day without weekends discouraged me.

A. Wanting to be a teacher B. Although I wanted to be a teacher

C. I had wanted to be a teacher D. To want to be a teacher

