

摘要:蒙特利尔大学的最新研究表明,那些一般缺乏耐心、容易感到无聊或是沮丧的人更可能有重复性的身体强迫行为,比如抓皮肤、咬指甲或是拔睫毛。 你知道怎么用英语表达吗?

Are you mindlessly twisting your hair or biting your nails as you read this article?

New research from the University of Montreal suggests that people who are generally impatient, or who get bored or frustrated easily, are more likely to engage in repetitive body-focused behaviors such as skin-picking, nail-biting or eyelash-pulling.

But if you do bite your nails from time to time, there's no need to worry —— you're probably not doing much harm. In fact, the researchers say that such behaviors serve a temporary purpose when we're not able to channel our energy more productively.





文中的nail-biting就是“咬指甲”的意思,其中bite作动词,意为“咬,叮,啃”,指用牙齿钳住或切断,或咬一口,如:The mouse bit a hole in the bag.(老鼠把口袋咬了个洞。);而snap指的是突然猛咬,如:The dog jumped and snapped at his throat.(那条狗跳起来猛咬他的喉咙。)

第一句中的twist作动词,意为“弯曲,缠绕”,如:The telephone wire has got twisted.(电话线缠绕在一起了。)

