



1) 判断画线部分读音是否一致,填T或F

( )1. A. put B. jump

( )2. A. photo B. phone

( )3. A. come B. do

( )4. A. think B. kind

( )5. A. skate B.table tennis

2) 英汉互译

1. 正在打乒乓球 .

2. next to the tree .

3. some of the teachers .

4. 在操场上 .

5. 去溜冰 .

6. 跳高 .

7. 跳得高 .

8. try to swim in the river .

9. look fun .

10. 游泳池 .

3) 选择题

( )1. What the doing in the classroom?

A. is, girls B. are, girl C. are, girls

( )2. I am playing , and my sister is doing .

A. kung fu, tennis B. tennis, the high jumpj C. tennis, the kung fu

( )3. Playing chess fun. Do you want to it?

A. looks, try B. looking, trying C. look, try

( )4. Xiaoming and Xiaoling playing basketball now.

A. is B. are C. am

( )5. Some of the animals ; and some of the animals .

A. are running, have lunch B. run, having lunch C. are running, are having lunch

4) 选择填空

1. A: What (are, do) you do when you are free?

B: I usually go swimming in the pool.

2. A: (Is, Does) your mother doing shopping now?

B: No, she’s visiting a friend.

3. Mary and her sister (is, are) helping their mum in the kitchen.

4. Some of the children (aren’t, don’t) like sports. They like reading.

5. I’m (take, taking) photos of the people in the park.

6. A: (Where, What) are the ladies doing?

B: They are playing tennis in the gym.

7. The game looks fun. Shall we go and try it (with, and) the children?

8. Sam and Peter are flying kites. I want to go and play with (they them) .

9. We sometimes (play, do) the long jump after school.

10. The birds (is, are) flying in the sky.

5) 连词成句

1. fun it looks (.)

2. children are the doing what (?)

3. are they think I skating (.)

4. want try them with to I (.)

5. playing are boys of the football some (.)

6) 补全句子所缺的单词。 每空只填一个单词

1. A: What are you there on the floor, little boy?

B: There is a mouse under the sofa. I’m watching it.

2. A: How many children swimming in the pool?

B: Four.

3. We want to the long jump after school.

4. Kelly and her brother often chess after school.

5. There are many people in the park. Some them are playing sports.

Some are taking photos.

7) 读一读,补全句子

A: What are the boys doing in the gym?

B: Some of the boys are playing basketball, some of the boys are skating.

A: Where are the girls?

B: The girls are in the playground. They are doing the long jump.

A: What are the two boys doing under the tree?

B: They are playing chess. They are so quiet.

A: It looks fun. Shall I play with them ?

B: Of course.

1. The boys are the .

2. Some of the boys are .

3. The girls the long jump.

4. The boys are sitting the tree.

5. chess looks .


Jack loves sports. He swims fast. He loves football. He is good at the high jump and skating. His favourite sport is football. From Monday to Friday, he often plays football with his friends after school. In his room, there are many photos of Jack playing sports. In one of the photos, he is doing the high jump. He is jumping very high. A bird is flying near his head. The bird is looking at Jack. In another photo, Jack is skating with his cousin. Jack looks happy. His cousin looks scare(害怕的).

( ) 1. Jack likes football best.

( ) 2. Jack doesn’t play football on school days.

( ) 3. Jack has a bird in his room.

( ) 4. Jack often skates with his cousin.

( ) 5. Jack’s cousin is not good at skating.

