


Achievements -- Honors and Rewards

I: Have you received any honors or rewards?

C: Yes. I got the title of "Advanced Worker" in 1998 and

1999./ Yes. Guangdong Provincial 'Government conferred the

title of "Working Model" on me in 1997./ Yes. I was chosen as one of "The Big Ten Prominent Youths' of Guangdong Province in 1999./Yes. I was selected an excellent League member of our factory last year./Yes. I received a second class reward for my invention from Hefei MunicipalGovernment in 2000./Yes. I got a third-class prize for my scientific research Hubei Provincial Government last year./Yes, I received "Excellent Teaching award in the past two,years, in succession./Yes,Since 1996 I've been enjoying the allowance offered by the State Council to the specialists who have made outstanding contributions.

