




I. 用动词的正确形式填空:

1. - _____ Jack _______ (have)any bread ?

-No , he _______.

2. I _____ ______ any pears . (not have). But Mary ______ some . (have)

3. Maria ______ ______ any (not have)eggs.

4. _____ Alice and Tina ______ any fish ? No , they ______ . (have)

5. ______ Tom’s cat ______ milk ? No , it _______ . (like)

6. What ______ you _____ in your backpack ? (have)

7. ____ you _____ bananas ? (like)

8. This ____ my pen pal Jim . (be)

9. What language _______ you ______ ? (speak)

10. My mother ____ _____ TV now . (watch)

11. We _____ _______ Japanese at school . (not , study )

12. He _______ _______ playing football . (not , like)

13. What time ______ they usually ______ up ? (get)

14. ______ your father _____ in that factory ? (work)

II. 判断下面句子的正误,并改正。

1. Where do you from ? ( )


2. What kind of food does your mother like ? ( )


3. I’m not live in Beijing . ( )


4. My pen pal want to come here this September . ( )


5. The twins doesn’t like thrillers . ( )


6. My cousin don’t want to go to a movie . ( )


7. Do your parents likes salad ? ( )


8. Does Jim and Mary in the same class ? ( )


III. 句型转换:

1. School starts at 8 o’clock in the morning . (改为一般疑问句)

____ school _____ at 8 o’clock in the morning ?

2. My grandpa does sports every day . (改为否定句)

My grandpa _____ ______ sports every day .

3. How do you go to school ? (完成答句)

I _____ to school by bike .

4. Lin Hai works hard . (改为否定句)

Lin Hai _____ _______ hard .

5. My pen pal comes from Brazil . (就划线部分提问)

______ ______ your pen pal ______ _______ ?

6. Maria can speak Chinese and French . (就划线部分提问)

______ ______ ______ Maria speak ?

7. Uncle Bob has a big apartment . (改为一般疑问句)

_____ Uncle Bob ______ a big apartment ?

8. My grandma likes nice and vegetables for dinner . (就划线部分提问)

_______ _______ your grandma like for dinner ?

9. Rick likes math because he thinks it is interesting . (就划线部分提问)

______ ______ Rick _____ math ?

10. What time does Tom usually go to school ? (回答问题)

He usually _______ to school _______ 7 o’clock .

IV. 用括号中适当的词填空:

1. Li Mei usually ______ (come , coming , comes)to school early .

2. My English teacher ______ (is , plays , play)tennis well .

3. _____ (Is , Do , Does)there a cinema in this area (地区)?

4. _______(Are , Does , Do)they speak , English in Brazil ?

5. It _______ (isn’t , don’t , doesn’t )often snow in winter .

6. The girl _______ (go , goes , going)home at 4:30 in the afternoon .

V. 选择填空:

( )1. Tom is a worker . He _____ in a factory . His sisters _____ in a hospital.

A. work , work B. works , work C. work , works

( )2. Who ______ English best in your class ?

A. speak B. speaks C. speaking

( )3. We _______ music and often _____ to music .

A. like , listen B. likes , listens

C. like , are listening

( )4. On Sunday he sometimes _____ his clothes and sometimes _____ some shopping.

A. wash , do B. is washing , is doing

C. washes , does

( )5. The twins usually _______ milk and bread for breakfast , but Jim ______ some oranges for it .

A. have , have B. have , has C. has , have

VI. 用括号中所给动词的适当形式填空:

Wang Lin 1 (be)a schoolboy . He 2 (live)in Beijing . He 3 (study)in a middle school.

Wang Lin 4 (get)up at half past five every day . After that he 5 (read)English and Chinese . He 6 (have)breakfast at seven . Wang Lin 7 (go) to school six days a week . In class he 8 (listen)to the teacher carefully and his teachers 9 (like)him very much .

VII. 阅读理解:


Mr. Brown is a very old man . Every morning he goes for a walk in the park . And he comes home at twelve thirty for his lunch .

But today a car stops at his house at twelve o’clock . Two policemen help him get out . One of them says to Mr. Brown’s daughter :“The old man can’t find his way in the park . He asks us to take him home in the car . ”

The daughter thanks the policemen and they leave . Then she asks his father : “Dad , you goes to that park every day . But today , you can’t find the way . What’s wrong with you ? ”

The old man smiles like a child and says : “I can find my way . I don’t want to walk home , you know . ”

( )1. Every morning Mr. Brown often comes home at _____.

A. twelve B. eleven

C. twelve thirty D. twelve ten

( )2. Today Mr. Brown comes home by _____.

A. bus B. car C. bike D. boat

( )3. The policeman says Mr. Brown ________ in the park.

A. doesn’t want to walk home

B. can’t find his way

C. find his way

D. knows the way

( )4. Mr. Brown’s daughter thinks ______.

A. he wants to go home

B. he wants to have lunch early

C. he doesn’t want to go to the park

D. something is wrong with him

( )5. Mr. Brown has lunch ______.

A. in the park B. at home

C. in the car D. at twelve


Tom lives and works in London . He works hard from Monday to Friday . On Saturday and Sunday he doesn’t go to work . Sometimes he goes shopping . Sometimes he goes to see his friends . This week he is going to Birminghan (伯明翰市)with his good friend Mike . They are going to see their friends there . This is what they are going to do .

They are going to take the 2:40 train on Friday afternoon . In Birminghan , Tom’s friend , Jack is going to take them home in his car . Tom and Mike are going to stay with Jack for the weekend .

On Saturday morning Jack is going to take them to a middle school . Mike’s friend , Mr . White is a teacher there .

On Sunday , Jack is going to take them to some nice parks in Birminghan . They are going to take the 6:00 train back to London .

( )1. On ______ afternoon Tom and Mike are going to take the 2:40 train .

A. Friday B. Saturday C. Sunday D. Monday

( )2. Jack is going to ______ them home in his car .

A. carry B. look after C. meet D. take

( )3. Mr. White is a ________ of a middle school.

A. student B. teacher C. classmate D. pupil

( )4. Tom and Mike are going to ______ with Jack for the weekend .

A. live B. stay C. talk D. ride

( )5. Tom and Mike are going to take the _______ train back to London .

A. 7:00 B. 6:00 C. 6:30 D. 7:30


I can see it , but you can’t .

What is it ?


1. Does , have , doesn’t 2. don’t , have , has

3. doesn’t , have 4. Do , have , don’t

5. Does , like , doesn’t 6. do , have

7. Do , like 8. is

9. do , speak 10. is , watching

11. don’t , study 12. doesn’t , like

13. do , get 14. Does , work


1. do 改为are 2. √

3. in 改为do 4. want后加s

5. doesn’t 改为don’t 6. don’t改为doesn’t

7. likes改为like 8. Does改为Do

III. 1. Does , start 2. doesn’t , do

3. go 4. doesn’t , work

5. Where , does , come , from

6. What language (s)can Maria speak ?

7. Does , have 8. What ,does

9. Why , does , like

10. goes , at

IV. 1. comes 2. plays 3. Is 4. Do 5. doesn’t 6. goes

V. 1. B 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. B

VI. 1. is 2. lives 3. studies 4. gets 5. reads

6. has 7. goes 8. listens 9. like


B. 1-5 ADBBB


答案是:the back of your head

