



A (unit1-2)

A: Good morning, doctor.

B: Good morning. Sit here, please. What’s ___________ , young man?

A: I don’t feel very well. I always ____________ tired.

B: How ____________ have you been like this?

A: ____________ three months ago.

B: Let me see. Do you have good eating ____________? What do you have for breakfast?

A: I don’t have breakfast. I have ____________ time.

B: Oh, that’s bad for your ____________. You should have some milk and an egg. How many hours do you ____________ every night?

A: About four or five hours. I have to work late at night.

B: Too bad. I think you should have a good rest. You had to do more _________ and drink more water every day.

A: How ____________ do I need to do exercise?

B: Twice a week.

A: OK, I will. Thanks.

B (unit3-4)

A: What are you doing on _________________?

B: I’m going to Taishan.

A: That sounds nice. Who are you going with?

B: My parents.

A: What are you doing there?

B: I’m _________________ hiking in the mountains.

A: How long are you staying there?

B: Just ________seven days.

A: What’s the _________________ like there?

B: It’s beautiful…and it’s always sunny and warm.

A: What about you, Peter?

C: I won’t go _________________. I’ll stay at home. And I’ll go to a summer school to ____________ my English.

A: Why will you do that?

C: As you know, my English is not very good, and ___________ the same time I’ll meet a ____________ of new friends.

A: That sounds good.

C (unit5-6)

A: Hi, Susan.

B: Hi, John. How was your last day___________?

A: Oh! It was terrible.

B: Why? What _____________?

A: I went to visit my friend, Steve. His house is far from my home. When I got to the bus stop, he bus had already ______________. So I had to walk there.

B: That’s a long walk.

A: Yeah. And then it started raining and I’d forgotten my ____________.

B: Oh no! Did you ___________ wet?

A: Yes, I was all wet. However, when I arrived, my friend wasn’t in.

B: That’s too bad. So what did you do then?

A: I had ___________to do. I just went back home. I had a bad cold after that.

B: Uh- huh! You did have an unlucky day.

D (unit7-8)

A: Susan, _____________ was your weekend?

B: Oh, it was exciting.

A: What _____________ you do?

B: I watched a chess game on Sunday.

A: I don’t like chess. Do you _____________ it interesting?

B: Yes. I enjoyed myself a ______________. It was an exciting and special game.

A: Special ? Why?

B: Usually how many ______________ are there in a chess game?

A: Two, of ______________.

B: There was only ______________ player in the game.

A: One? Then how did he play?

B: He _______________ against a computer.

A: Wow! That sounds interesting. Who ____________ the game, the player or the computer?

B: The player. He _____________ the computer at last.

E (unit9-10)

A: Did you make a New Year’s resolution this year, Kim?

B: Yes, Lucy. I did.

A: What are you going to do?

B: Well, I’m going to ___________ the soccer team.

C: How are you going to do that?

B: I’m going to ______________ playing soccer really hard, and I’m going to a summer camp. I’m going to play soccer every day there.

C: ___________ ___________ you, Lucy? Did you ____________ a resolution?

A: Oh, sure. I’m going to _____________ to play an instrument.

B: Cool. How are you going to do that?

A: I’m going to ____________ piano lessons.

B: How about you, Manuel?

C: My New Year’s resolution is to ___________ good grades.

B: How are you going to do that?

C: I’m going to study hard and do my homework every day.

A: That _____________ good!

F (unit11-12)

Son: Could I ____________ my friends to a party on Saturday, mum?

Mum: Of course! That sounds ___________ fun

. Son: Yeah. Um… Could I borrow some money?

Mum: What ___________ ?

Son: I need to buy some drinks and snacks. Could I go to the shop?

Mom: Well, I’m going tomorrow, and I can buy some drinks and snacks for you.

Son: Oh, good! Thanks, mom.

Mum: You’re _____________ . Oh, could you clean your room?

Son: I ____________ it last week.

Mom: You need to clean it again for your party.

Son: OK. At the party, could I use your CD player?

Mum: Yes, if you’re _______________ with it.

Son: ______________ worry, mum!

Mum: Now, there are a lot of things I want to do before the party. Could you move the good chairs to the bedroom and clean the living room?

Son: Sure. Dave is coming _____________ on Saturday, and he can help me.

