




My house is next_________ my school.

A. at B. to C. in

We have________ in the afternoon.

A. a lessons B. two lessons C. two lesson

I like_______ football games on TV.

A. watching B. looking at C. seeing

In the evening, we do homework_______ go to bed.

A. and B. to C. but

Let's_______ a break and talk to friends.

A. go to B. to have C. have

Would you like_______ football?

A. play B. to play C. plays

We have lunch________ school.

A. with B. to C. at

Our lessons_______ at eight _______the morning.

A. starts; at B. start; in C. have; for

We go to school _______Monday________Friday.

A. with; from B. from; to C. on; at

I have art________ ten o'clock________ Friday morning.

A. in; at B. at; on C. to; on



【小题1】What lesson does Wang Lin have each weekday?

【小题2】How many geography lessons does he have in a week?

【小题3】 How many subjects does he study altogether(总共)?



你已经学会了用简单的英语向朋友介绍your school day了,下面就有一个机会给你,试着用本课学的基本句型写一篇短文,介绍一下your school day,你肯定做得比以前好。



【小题1】I have breakfast at school at seven o'clock.(把I换成we)

________ _________breakfast at school at seven o'clock.

【小题2】 We play basketball on Monday morning.(改为否定句)

We _______ _________basketball on Monday morning.

【小题3】 My bike is in front of the house. (对画线部分提问)

________is your bike?

【小题4】 Our breakfast is at seven. (对画线部分提问)

_______is our breakfast?

【小题5】 We have dinner. We watch TV.(合成一个句子)

We have dinner _________ watch TV.

【小题6】 I watch TV and play computer games.(分成两个句子)

________ ________ _________.________ _________ _________ _________ .




What ______ is it?


What _______ is it today?


What are your _______ today?


We have three _________ lessons this morning.


We_______ Chinese lesson________ half past nine,_______ _______ you?


_______ ________ your Chinese lesson?


Today we ________ have maths lesson.


It's _______ ________ ________ now.



【小题1】don't, English ,we, have, lessons

【小题2】day, I, at seven o'clock, go to school, every

【小题3】 is, favourite, history, lesson, my

【小题4】very much, English, like, Betty and I

【小题5】 go to work,they,at,8 o'clock




I usually 1 2 at six in the morning. I 3 4 at six thirty. At 5 6 seven I take the No.17 bus to 7 8 9 .I eat lunch 10 11 .At six 12 13  14 I go home. At about seven, I 15 16 17 .At about nine o'clock I take a shower, then 18 19 20 quickly.



in at on with start finish play

【小题1】 ________the evening, I do my homework.

【小题2】 Our lessons ________ at nine o'clock in the morning.

【小题3】We have a break and talk ________ friends.

【小题4】 _______half past seven in the morning, we have breakfast.

【小题5】We have two maths lessons _________ Tuesday.

【小题6】 Daming and Lingling have hamburgers, __________vegetables or rice.

【小题7】 Games start at eight and ________ at ten.

【小题8】 I love table tennis, I like to_________ table tennis with my friends on Saturday morning.


go do have study play talk ride listen

【小题1】 At three o'clock, we take a break and________ to some students.

【小题2】 The twins _______ to the cinema on Sunday evening.

【小题3】On Saturday evening, Lingling and Kitty________ to music.

【小题4】 Daming and Tony ________ football on the playground on Saturday afternoon.

【小题5】 The pupils go home at four o'clock and ________ homework.

【小题6】 We don't_________ chemistry, art or history on Thursday afternoon.

【小题7】 The students _________ English at school.

【小题8】 We_______ to school every day. It is far(远).

