



Healthy Eating Plan For Busy People

Most of us have been there before – after coming home from a full day of dealing with rush hour traffic, people problems, and office politics, we wonder “What’s for dinner?” With hardly anything in the kitchen, we settle for ordering pizza (again) or decide to fill up on pantry snacks. Our busy lives often prevent us from reaching our nutritional, health, and fitness goals. As a result, we end up packing on unwanted pounds and eating convenient, not-so-nutritious foods instead of the necessary, wholesome foods that our bodies crave.

It may be difficult to maintain healthy eating habits while leading a busy life, but it is not impossible. The five simple tips below will ensure you have a healthy eating plan to fit into your hectic schedule.

1. Plan your meals out

You don’t have to go into a lot of detail. Just grab a sheet of paper and outline the meals you will have Monday – Sunday. This makes food shopping and preparation so much easier. Placing Post-it notes on your refrigerator where you will see the plan every day works just as well. If you plan to have spaghetti on Wednesday, for example, you will remember to buy pasta sauce or perhaps have time to make your own on Tuesday night. Planning your meals out for the week instantly makes your shopping easier. Instead of mentally throwing a list together while you rush into the store, you already know what it is you need to get, and you can shop for the entire week at one time.

2. Cook once; eat it twice (or thrice!)

You can cook one main ingredient recipe on Monday, and then use that same recipe for different meals throughout the week. Chicken, for example, can be eaten for dinner one night. What’s left over can be diced and used to make an easy Chicken Salad Sandwich for lunch the next day. Cooking one time for multiple meals ensures that you will never not have something ready to eat and also cuts down on kitchen cleaning time.

3. Keep calm and freeze on

If you think your freezer is just for storing half eaten cartons of ice cream, you should think again. You can prep a bunch of one-dish meals like casseroles, chilis, and stews, and then freeze them without even having to cook them ahead of time. When you’re ready to eat, just pop your meal into the oven or place it on the stove and you have a hot, fresh, home-cooked meal in no time. For the morning, try these Freezer Breakfast Sandwiches. For lunch, try these Turkey and Black Bean Enchiladas. For dinner, the possibilities are almost endless.

4. Shake it up in the mornings

No, I’m not talking about those ready made drinks that come in chocolate or vanilla or strawberry flavors. Healthy breakfast shakes and smoothies are a snap to make before you have to rush out the door in the morning. They will leave you feeling energized and full for a few good hours. There are so many delicious ways to mix up your shakes and smoothies that you’ll never get bored. You can use protein powder, fresh fruits and veggies, nuts, and even Greek yogurt. Try this Coffee Java Protein Shake, this Avocado-Banana Smoothie, or this Peanut Butter Oatmeal Smoothie.

5. Pack your lunch the night before.

No need to have a co-worker pick up McDonald’s for you anymore. If you eat lunch at your work place, pack your meal for the next day. You can also pack your own healthy snacks, such as trail mix, nuts, dried fruits, etc., and take it with you in an insulated bag. Check out this list of 23 Make-Ahead Lunches to Get You Through the Work Week.


This Is What Will Happen When You Eat Avocados Every Day

You’ve probably seen avocados being touted as a heart-healthy superfood in recent years. Realistically, the truth isn’t too far off from the hype. The next time you’re grabbing that burrito or turkey sandwich, you might want to consider adding a healthy dollop of guacamole. Here are four reasons that you should consider eating a little bit of avocado each day.

1. You may reduce your risk of heart disease.

Heart disease is the number 1 killer in the United States, affecting nearly 27 million adults, so it only makes sense that we would want to protect ourselves by being more health-conscious in our dietary choices. Avocados have been shown to positively benefit our cardiovascular system in a number of ways due to its low saturated fat and high unsaturated fat content (predominantly the monounsaturated fat (MUFA) variety). Consuming excess saturated fat (>10% of total calories) may raise your LDL and HDL cholesterol and triglycerides. On the contrary, consuming adequate unsaturated fat in your diet may help lower LDL-cholesterol (bad cholesterol), maintain HDL-cholesterol (good cholesterol) and potentially improve your insulin sensitivity.

In addition its nutritious fat content, avocados also contain a potent mix of nutrients (e.g., potassium and lutein), including plenty of antioxidants such as carotenoids, callexanthophylls and phenols. These compounds can help prevent inflammation and oxidative stress in the blood vessels while facilitating improved blood flow.

2. You may have an easier time maintaining your weight

Eating fat to lose fat; who would have thought? Avocados can help with weight-loss and maintaining a healthy BMI by promoting a feeling of satiety. A recent study showed that including avocado in meals helped extend feelings of fullness and reduced the desire to overindulge. The belly-filling properties of avocados is aided by their high fiber content, about 14g per fruit on average. In addition, higher avocado consumption has been associated with smaller waistlines and lower BMIs in observational studies. Lastly, some research has even shown that weight-loss diets higher in MUFA, like the kind avocados are packed with, may prove healthier for your heart than low-fat weight-loss diets.

3. You might reduce your risk of cancer

Avocados provide us with numerous phytochemicals that may help prevent cancer, including the previously discussed xanthophylls and phenols. A protein compound called glutathione, along with the xanthophyll lutein (both found in avocados), have been associated with decreased rates of oral cancer. Preliminary data also show promising results for avocados’ potential role in reducing risk of both breast and prostate cancers. Additionally, preliminary studies demonstrate that a specific type of fav derived from avocados is able to exert anti-cancer effects on acute myeloid leukemia cells. Together, these studies show that further research needs to be conducted to draw more conclusive results.

4. You will protect your skin and eyes well into old age

As it turns out, avocado carotenoids do quite a number of things for our body. Both lutein and another compound found in avocados called zeaxanthin can slow age-related ocular decline and prevent vision dysfunction. In addition, these same two nutrients also act as buffers against oxidative UV damage, keeping our skin smooth and healthy. The bioavailability (ease of absorption by our body) of carotenoids from avocados compared to many other fruits and vegetables makes eating avocados every day a sensible choice.

Recipes to try:

Avocado Smoothie

•½ ripe avocado

•1 ripe banana

•½ cup low-fat yogurt

•½ cup orange juice

•OPTIONAL: handful of ice

Combine ingredients into blender and mix.

Bacon Peach Guacamole

•1 ripe peach

•2 ripe avocados

•¼ red onion, minced

•2 strips bacon, crisped

•Salt and pepper to taste

Cut peaches into small dice and place in bowl. Mash avocados and combine with peaches. Crisp bacon in skillet, dice and add to bowl. Mince onion and add to guacamole. Enjoy with whole-grain tortilla chips.

Aside from the multitude of health benefits, avocados have the extra bonus of being a tasty, creamy food that can be incorporated into shakes, desserts, dips, and toppings. So don’t be afraid to add avocado!


How Touching Your Different Fingers Can Make You Healthier

Jin Shin Jyutsu is a 5,000-year-old Japanese healing art based around holistic healing approaches which emphasize healing the whole body as opposed to just a section. Through thorough application of this art, it is possible to heal your inner body and improve your mental health just by holding your fingers.

Such claims may sound fantastic, if not outright absurd, but research has shown that this is real. The University of Kentucky Markey Cancer Center has discovered that cancer patients who were treated with Jin Shin Jyutsu “received statistically significant improvement” in regards to their stress, pain, and nausea. Furthermore, the Center found that those patients whose pain and nausea scores improved the most were patients who underwent this holistic therapy the longest.

This is not the only example. A case study conducted by the Kaiser Permanente Northwest Center for Health Research had a practitioner perform Jin Shin Jyutsu on a patient afflicted with multiple myeloma. Despite being at high risk for mucositis due to chemotherapy, the patient only had a mild case of mucositis once. He also “experienced little to no significant nausea throughout hospitalization,” with his only case of nausea occurring when the practitioner was unavailable.

Jin Shin Jyutsu works because all of our body parts are connected to one another. When one part of your body falls ill, this hurts the entire body and not just the afflicted part. At the same time, our hands are actually connected to emotions and organs. By holding them, we can improve our energy flow to vital areas and help our physical and mental health.

As Soul Spot observes, perhaps this is why babies suck their thumbs, or perhaps why we flip our middle fingers in anger.

Each of the five fingers, as well as the palm, correlate to different organs and emotions. Read on to learn how holding your fingers for just three to five minutes can improve your health.

1. The thumb

Holding the thumb enables us to let go of the past and helps us relieve our stress and worries. We can calm down, improve our self-esteem, and ensure that our sleep is restful. It can also improve our energy.

The thumb is connected to our spleen and stomach. As a result, the thumb ensures that our red and white bloods cells are high and that our stomach digests food faster.

2. The index finger

While the thumb calms us down, the index finger gives us the vitality and will to conquer our fears and strive for a better tomorrow. By improving our will, we now have the inner strength to fight our weaknesses as well as our addictions, so that we can strive for perfection.

The index finger is connected to our kidney and bladder, which helps prevent kidney stones from forming and balances our water and body chemistry.

3. The middle finger

As noted above, the middle finger is about anger, but anger is also a physical state. If you’re stressed out and furious about paying back loans or other money-related issues, you are more likely to have headaches, as your blood circulates to your head. This also means that you have less blood for the rest of your body, worsening your response to injuries and making you tired.

By releasing the energies in your middle finger, you can undo those effects. Furthermore, the middle finger is connected to our liver and gall bladder. By improving those organs, you can ensure that your energy flow is strong enough to keep you energetic.

4. The ring finger

In some ways, the ring finger is similar to your thumb. It is associated with sadness and negative attitudes which sap your energy.

But the index finger is also connected to the lungs, and ensures that you will breathe deeper and easier. As a result, releasing the energies in your ring finger will also improve your muscles and nervous system. With less stress and more energy, you can change your lifestyle for the better.

5. The little finger

The little finger concerns itself with your heart, and thus with your blood. And since a proper blood flow is necessary to keep your other organs working, it is in some ways the most important finger of all.

Improving blood flow improves your brain, which thus improves your ability to think and concentrate on important matters.

6. The palm

Stress is not just bad because it hurts us, but because it can damage our relationships with our loved ones. Releasing the energies in your palm will help you connect better with those important people in your life, grant you positive thinking, and will ensure your life becomes more orderly.

The palm is connected with the diaphragm and umbilicus.

If you have the time and energy, then you should try holding all your fingers, one at a time, to improve your health as a whole. Fortunately, the ancient art of Jin Shin Jyutsu was designed so that anyone could quickly and easily improve their body’s total physical and mental health.

Here are some self-help charts to get you started with the practice.

