



( ) 1.Youcanplaybasketball____. A. fast B. high C.well.

( ) 2.She ________ speak. A. wasn’t B. don’t C. can’t

( )3. Hot dogs are not dogs. They’re_____. A. sausages B.sausage C.a sausage

( )4.I like Amy _____ with me. A.skip B. skipping C.skips

( )5.School ____ at8:30 in China. A.starts B.start C.finish

( )6. Are you feeling____? A. sleep B.happy C.raining

( )7. You shouidn’t____ on the bed. A. jump B. fell C.bumped

( )8.You shouldsayhello___ Pam. A. to B. on C. in

( )9. You ____ be late.You’reagoodpupil. A. could B. shouldn’t C.should

( )10._____ you like to come to school with us? A. Could B. Should C.Would.


1.can’t, do, I, all, 2, at ._____________________________________

2.dogs , very, are, useful. _________________________________________

3.whatdoes , time, start, school_____________________________________

4.get, I, up, at, seven, past,half_____________________________________

5.to, do, want, play,you,chess_____________________________________

6.smell, I, can, nice, some,soup, noole________________________________

7.shouldn’t, you, walk, road, in, the_________________________________

8.morning ,here,don’t,they,do, exercises.________________________________

9.hold, should, you, my, hand___________________________________________

10.they, feel, do, how._________________________________________________


( )1.你愿意加入我们的足球对吗?

A.Doyou want to be in our football team?

B.Do you want to in our football team?

( )2.你在中国善于打篮球吗?

A.You were very good at basketball onChina.

B.You were very good at basketball inChina.

( ) 3. 这是一个关于狗的节目。

A.There are a programme about dogs.

B.There is a programme about dogs.

( ) 4. 你愿意来学校与我们在一起吗?

A.Would you like to come to school for us?

B.Would you like to come to school with us?

( ) 5.在英国他们不在8点钟上课。

A.In China they don’t start school at 8 o’clock.

B.In England they don’t start school at 8 o’clock.

( ) 6. 在你的生日上我将要制作一个令你惊奇的蛋糕。

A.I’m goingto make you a surprise cake on your birthday!

B.I’m goingto make you a surprise cake in your birthday!

( )7.你应该看一看,然后穿过马路。



( ) 8.今天。我全天在农场帮助了我的爷爷。

A.TodayIhelpmygrandfatheronthefarmallday .

B.TodayIhelpedmygrandfatheronthefarmallday .

( )9. 请不要在床上跳。

A.Pleasedon’tjumponthebed .

B.Pleaseshouldn’tjumponthebed .

( )10. 9点以前,我们在操场上玩。

A.Weplay in the playground before nine o’clock.

B.Weplayedin the playground before nine o’clock.


(一) MissBrownisverysad. It’shersbirthday, butshedidn’treceive (收到)apresent. Lastyearhergrandfathercookedlunchforher. Hermotheralsosentherabikeonherbirthday. Itwasbigandgreen. Shealwaysrodeittoschool. Howhappy!

MissBrownfeelssoboredtoday. Nowit’stimetohaveaclass. Sheopens(打开) thedoor. Allherpupilsjumpupandsay,“Happybirthday, MissBrown!”Thentheysingthesong“Happybirthdaytoyou!”Manybeautifulflowersareonthedesk. TheyareforMissBrown.. MissBrownsmiles(笑)happily!

( )1. MissBrownisverysadbecause.

A. It’shersbirthdaytoday


C. Shereceivedapresent

( )2. LastyearMissBrown’smotheronherbirthday.

A. cookedlunchforher


C. gaveherabike

( )3. LastyearMissBrownwasonherbirthday.


( )4. WhenMissBrownopensthedoor, allherpupilsjumpupandsay“”.

A. Hello, MissBrown

B. Happybirthday, MissBrown

C. Happybirthdaytoyou

( )5. ThepupilssentMissBrowntoday.

A. abikeB. thedesk C. manybeautifulflowers

( )6. Fromthepassage(短文),WecanguessMissBrownis.


(二).JimandJanearebrotherandsister. TheyarefromLondon(伦敦). TheirfatherandmotherareinBeijingnow. Theirfatherisadoctorandtheirmotherisateacher. SheteachesEnglish. Jim, Janeandtheirmotherareinthesameschool. ButJimandJanearenotinthesameclass. TheirmotherteachesJimEnglish.

JimlikesChineseverymuch. HeoftenhelpshisclassmateslearnEnglish. HisclassmateshelphimwithhisChinese. Janeisgoodatmaths.Shelikescomputeralot. Shewantstobeascientist(科学家). JimandJaneareveryfriendly. Theirfriendslikethem.

( )1. JimandJaneareinnow.


( )2. JimandJane’smotheris a teacherof.


( )3.Fromthetext(课文) wecansee.


B.Jim, Janeandtheirmotheraren’t inthesameschool.



( )4. Jim oftenhelpshisclassmates withteir.


( )5. Janeisgoodat.



( )1.A.feel B.feeling

( )2.A.skip B.skipping

( )3.A.ring B.rang

( )4.A.hear B.her

( )5.A.well B.bell


( )1.A.Yes, I do. B.No, I don’t. C.Yes, I can.

( )2.A.Yes, I do. B.I feel tired. C.By bus.

( )3.A.I went to the supermarket. B.I went by bus. C.At half past seven.

( )4.A.Yes, he is. B.No, she isn’t. C.Yes, I am.

( )5.A.I went to the park. B.Very well. C.At 9 o’clock.


( )1.The dress is Ms Smart’s.

( )2.They came back last Saturday.

( )3.Daming wants five bananas.

( )4.It’s Lingling’s sweater.

( )5.There are enough pencils.



( )1.—_____ did you come back?—We came back last Sunday.

A.Where B.When C.Why

( )2.—Whose dress is this?—It’s ____.

A.my B.mine C.he

( )3.Do you want to be_____ our football team?

A.at B.in C.on

( )4.—Can you control the ball?—________________.

A.Thank you B.Very badly, sorry C.You are welcome

( )5.She didn’t _____ an ice cream yesterday .

A.bought B.buy C.buys

( )6.I can’t swim _____.

A.at B.at all C.good

( )7.—______ does school start?—At nine o’clock .

A.What B.What time C.Where

( )8.These chicks can’t______.

A.eat B.eating C.ate

( )9.This girl is deaf. She can’t _______.

A.see B.hear C.walk

( )10. Lingling is very good ___ basketball.

A.at B.in C.of


( )1.What’s the matter? A.I can’t play it.

( )2.How did they go? B.Oh, no! Of course not.

( )3.What did Daming do? C.Nothing.

( )4.Are you feeling angry? D.By bus.

( )5.How well do you play basketball? E.He took a photo.


Daming:Next week is a holiday. What will you do, Sam?


Daming:Can you run fast?



Sam:Very well.4


Sam:Thank you.

A.Yes, I can.

B.I want to be in your basketball team.

C.Can you control the basketball?

D.I think you can play basketball well.

E.And I can catch the ball well.


1.did, she, where, yesterday, go, ( ? )

2.skipped, I, with, the girls, ( . )

3.you, bored, feeling, are, ( ? )

4.I, play football, can, well, ( . )

5.you, thinking about, what, are, ( ? )


happy, sad, tired, bored, hungry

1.Today I cleaned my room all day. Now I feel______.

2.Today I made a new friend. Now I feel______.

3.It’s raining and I can’t go out to play. Now I feel______.

4.Yesterday I lost my skipping rope. I feel______.

5.I can smell some nice noodle soup. I feel_______.

六、阅读理解,正确的在括号内写(T), 错误的写(F)。(每小题2分,共10分)

Yesterday was Saturday. It was sunny. I got up at 7:30. After breakfast, I went to the beach(海滩)with Alice. There were many people on the beach. We ran, jumped and played volleyball(排球)on the sands(沙滩). We swam in the sea. Some men fished on a boat. We had a good time. We were tired(疲乏的), but happy.

( )1.Yesterday was Sunday.

( )2.The weather was sunny.

( )3.I got up at half past seven.

( )4.I went to the beach with Peter.

( )5.We played volleyball on the sands.

