



- Is this the sale price? 这是特价后的价格吗?

- If you give me a discount, I’ll take it right now.如果你给我打折,我马上就买。 - Is 20% off OK?打八折好吗?

- Is there any discount? 有折扣吗?

- How much discount do you give? 你们可以给几折?

- Could you cut the price a little, please? 你可以把价格降一点吗? - How about 30 yuan? 30元好不好?

- My last price is 20yuan. 我最多只肯出20元。

- If it was a bit cheaper,I’d take it. 要是能便宜一点,我就买。

-How much are you willing to pay? 你愿意出多少钱? -It’s quite reasonable.价格很公道啊。

-the price in our store are fixed.我们这里不降价。


Dialogue 1:

-How about giving me a little discount?给我稍微打点折怎么样?

-I’m afraid I can’t. I can show you some other shirts that are more affordable if you’d like. 恐怕不行。如果你愿意,我可以给你看看其他一些便宜的衬衫。

Dialogue 2:

-can you lower the price? 能便宜些吗? -Not a chance. 不讲价的。

Dialogue 3:

-How about 20% off? 打个八折怎么样?

-I’ll give you if you buy two. 如果你买两件的话就可以。

Dialogue 4:

-Well, I do like this shirt.But I think the price is too high.我非常喜欢这件衬衫,但我认为价格太高。

- the quality is top-notch. I’m sure you’ve heard of this brand before. 这个质量是一流的,我相信你以前听说过这个牌子

