


The Banking System in the United States美国的银行业

The Commercial Banking System Today in the United States

Several of the characteristics of American banking just discussed carry over into today's commercial banking system. Prominent among these is the dual-chartering system; that is, we continue to have commercial bank charters issued at two different levels of government. National banks receive their charters from the Comptroller of Currency~. Any national bank must have somewhere in its corporate title the word "national". Thus, for example, "Wells Fargo Bank, National Association" indicates that this bank has a federal charter. All national banks must be members of the Federal Reserve System.

Most banks, however, receive their charters from the appropriate agency of their respective state. They are under the supervision of their state's banking authority. However, state-chartered commercial banks may elect to become members of the Federal Reserve System, but this not mandatory for them as it is for national banks. If state-chartered banks~ elect membership in the Federal Reserve System, they come under the supervision of two banking authorities, state and national.

Thus, the American commercial banking system is comprised of two types of banks: the member banks of the Federal Reserve System which are national banks and those state-chartered banks electing membership; and nonmember state-chartered banks. Today' s banking system in the United States is comprised of more than 14,000 individual banks. Of this number, well under 50 percent are member banks of the Federal Reserve System——only 5,788 commercial banks out of a total of 14,633, or roughly 40 percent. These member banks, however, commanded the largest share of commercial banks resources, about three-fourths as of June 30, 1976. They held over three-fourths of deposits subject to check, $202,144 million as of the same date, which represented some 67 percent of our total money supply.

Although the national banks did~ continue a considerable advance in American commercial banking development, they also brought with them disadvantages. Their improvements included the establishment of a safe, uniform currency and a reduction in the number of commercial bank failures through strengthening due to more conservative standards of regulation and examination. There also developed a measure of correspondent banking relations through the provision for regarding, deposits in reserve city and central reserve city banks as reserves. But this last feature also was the System's greatest weakness. The National Bank System provided for the concentration go existing reserves into the city banks, but no provision was made for the creation of new reserves when necessary.

In our discussion, these two characteristics of present-day commercial banks will be in the forefront of much of our analysis: First, commercial banks create deposit liabilities against themselves, instead of note issue as the early banks did; and second, commercial banks today hold a wide variety of earning assets, not just short-term, self-liquidating loans~. One thing, however, continues to be just as true today as it was in the days of the banker: creation of money occurs when two opposite transactions take place simultaneously between the commercial bank and the customer~ The commercial bank increases its debt to the customer, and the customer puts himself into debt to the bank by the same amount. This simultaneous exchange of liabilities is significant because one of the debts created——the demand deposit liability——is money while the other-the loan——earns income for the bank.

From Money and Banking


1.dual chartering system 双轨(银行)注册制,指商业银行既可以在联邦注册,也可在各州注册。这一制度为美国所特有。

2.National banks 国民银行,在美国指在联邦注册的商业银行。


4.Federal Reserve System 联邦储备体系,即美国的中央银行(体系),通常可简称为美联储。

5.state-chartered banks 在州注册的商业银行,通常称为州立银行。

6.moneysupply 货币供应,包括货币供应量和货币供给行为两方面内容,是指银行系统通过其资金运用向社会注入货币的数量以及相应的行为过程。

7.Although the national banks did …did在此处表示强调,可译为“确实”。

8.correspondent banking 代理行业务,指某一银行委托其它银行代为办理某些业务的关系。

9.note issue 指中央银行制度建立之前,各商业银行自己发行银行券的业务活动。

10.self-liquidating loans 自我清偿贷款,指商业银行向有物资保证且清偿力较高的企业发放的短期贷款。




一、美国的联邦储备体系(Federal Reserve System)


联储的组成包括以下几部分:(1)联邦储备银行。联邦储备银行共有12家,分别设在波士顿、纽约、费城、克利夫兰、里土满、亚特兰大、芝加哥、圣·路易斯、明尼阿波利斯、堪萨斯、达拉斯和旧金山。它们在各自负责的地区执行中央银行的职能。除以上12家联邦储备银行外,凡根据联邦法律在联邦注册成立的国民银行都必须参加联邦储备体系,成为成员银行。其他根据各州法律在州政府注册成立的银行,如符合条件并愿意参加联邦储备体系的,则可自愿申请加入。(2)联邦储备委员会。联邦储备委员会(FRB)设在首都华盛顿,由7名理事组成,负责管理整个联邦储备体系。理事会成员和主席均由总统任命。该委员会负责制定有关法律规则并监督其实施,制定和审查批准储备金要求、存款最高利率及贴现率等。(3)联邦公开市场委员会。联邦公开市场委员会负责制定联储的短期货币政策,由12名成员组成,包括联储委员会理事及部分联储银行行长。该委员会所制定的货币政策通过设在纽约联储银行的公开市场桌(Open Market Desk),在一个称之为“公开市场帐户”的特殊帐户买卖美国政府和联邦机构的债券及承兑银行票据来实现。(4)联邦咨询委员会。联邦咨询委员会由每个联邦储备区选派一名成员组成,是一个政策咨询和建议机构。



商业银行是美国银行体系的中坚力量。多年来,美国的商业银行体系形成了其独特的形式,主要有以下几方面特点: .



长期以来,美国的商业银行总数一直保持在1万家以上。其中国民银行占50%左右。但国民银行中有许多是实力雄厚的大银行,如花旗银行(City Bank)、大通银行(Chase Manhattan Bank)、美洲银行(Bank of American)等等。这些银行也是美国主要的国际性大银行。













