



有些名词的可以加来表示所有关系,带这种词尾的名词的形式称为该名词的所有格。 如mary's father(玛丽的父亲)

jim's mother(吉姆的母亲)




如tom's knife(汤姆的小刀)

children's books(儿童书籍)


如jim and mike's room吉姆和麦克(共用)的房间

jim's and mike's rooms吉姆和麦克(各自)的房间


如the students' reading-room(学生阅览室)

everyone needs to have at least eight hours' sleep a night. 每个人每晚需要至少8小时的睡眠。(新目标英语九年级)



如this is a woman's work. 这是女人干的工作。

this is a girls' school. 这是一所女子学校。


如 mr jones's(mr jones')book(琼斯先生的书)

keats' works(济慈的作品)


如where is today's newspaper? 今天的报纸在哪儿?

an hour's walk isn't far. 一小时的路程不远。

(1) 有些无生命东西的名词,如国家,城市季节,太阳,月亮,大地,江河,海洋,船等名词也可用's,表示所有关系。

如china's population(中国人口)

the city's life(城市生活)

注意在表示店铺或某人家时,为避免重复(因前面已提到),名词所有格后面可省略它所修饰的名词。 my uncle's(我叔叔家) ,the doctor's(医生的诊所)



the window of the house(这间房子的窗户)

注意当's所有格用来表示事物类别或属性时不可用of所有格。如:男式鞋应是men's,而不是shoes of men。

3.of +名词所有格

of +名词所有称为双重所有格,使用时要注意以下几项。

1)表示部分时,前面的词一定要有a ,an ,some ,any ,few ,two ,no ,several (几个)之类有修饰语,不能是one和the 。

如可说:a book of my brother's 我兄弟的一本书

不说:books of my brother's或 book of my brother's .

2)当带有感情色彩时,可用the ,this ,that ,these ,those于名词前。

如the pretty daughter of your sister's 你姐姐的漂亮的女儿

did you read that book of lu xun's ? 你读过鲁迅的那本书吗?

3)of 前面的名词不能是专有名词。

如不说:this is john of his uncle's.

4)of 后面的名词必须是特定的。

如these books of my friend's are good 我朋友的这些书很好。

5)of 后面的名词必须是指人的名词。

比较不说it is a leaf of the tree's.

a picture of my father指的是爸爸本人的照片。

注意of 所有格和双重所有格有时可以交替使用,意义无甚区别。

如a friend of my brother→a friend of my brother's

测试点a car of betty's cars ,不可换为a car of betty.。jim's and tom's fathers are in the same office now.吉姆的父亲的汤姆父亲目前在同一办公室。


定冠词the与指示代词this,that,these,those同源,有"那(这)个" "这(那)些"的意思,但较弱,可以和一个名词连用,来表示某个或某些特定的人或东西。以下为必须加定冠词的情形:


take the medicine. 把药吃了。


he bought a house. i've been to the house.



the sun, the sky, the moon, the earth


the fox is cunning .狐狸是狡猾的。

(5)与形容词或分词连用,表示一类人:the rich 富人; the living 生者。

(6)用在序数词和形容词最高级,及形容词only, very, same等前面:

where do you live? i live on the second floor. 你住在哪?我住在二层。

that's the very thing that ineed 那正是我需要的东西。


he began to learn russian in the 1950s. 他在20实际50年代开始学俄语 。

但注意:in one's 50s意为"在某人五十多岁时"。如:

he looked quite healthy though he was in his 80s.

(8)在比较级的两种句型中: ①表示"越 ......,就越......"时。如:

the lighter, the better. 越轻越好 。

② 表示"两者中比较......"时,用定冠词。如:

there are two books on the table. i like the thicker one.


the ball hit me on the back. 球打中了他的头 。

(10) 在表示"计量单位"的可数名词前(注意:介词用by)。如:

the workers are paid by the hour/day/month. 按月付给工人工资 .

(11)用在某些由普通名词构成的专有名词前:the great wall(长城),the people's park(人民公园)等。 the people's republic of china 中华人民共和国

the united states 美国


she plays the piano. 她会弹钢琴.

the little girl likes to play the violin. 小女孩喜欢拉小提琴。


they are going to the cinema tonight. 他们今晚要去影院看电影。


the greens 格林一家人 (或格林夫妇)

(15)在方位名词之前 ,如:in the west on the west

(16)在某些短语中 in the day, in the morning (afternoon,evening), the day after tomorrow ,the day before yesterday, the next morning, in the sky (water,field,country) in the dark, in the rain, in the distance, in the middle (of), in the end, on the whole, by the way, go to the theatre


1、表示时间的(at 、on、in、at、before ,after、by、 until、through、from、since、within)


at noon在午时 at night在夜间 at present目前

(2)on:用于星期,某天,某一天的上午、下午、晚上(指具体的某一天时,一律用) on sunday在星期天 on sunday morning 在星期天的上午

on march 8 在3月8日


in 1999 在1999年 in november 在11月份

in summer 在夏季 in the afternoon在下午


i think he will be back in an hour .我想他一小时后就会回来。

i heard that she would be back in a month.我听说她一个月后回来的。


wei hua got up before 7 o’clock this morning .今天早晨,魏华在7点之前起床了。


after that ,no noe should ever kill a seagull . 从那时起,任何人不得捕杀海鸥。


by the time i arrived ,she had already gone .



florence often worked for twenty-four hours without rest .



during the lifetime of one man ,north america and europe will more further apart by nearly two metres . 在一个人的一生期间,北美洲和欧洲由于漂移,其间的距离将要增加差不多两米。


he ,who led the united states through these years ,was shot on april 14, 1865 ,at a theater in washington



the worders were made to work from 7 in the morning to 7 in the evening .工人们被迫从早7点工作到晚7点。


since that time ,my eyes had never been very good.从那时起,我的眼睛一直不是很好。


he will arrive within an hour .他一小时内就人到。

2、表示地点(at、in、on 、under、over、above、below、near、by、between、among、around、around、in front of、behind、in 、into、out of、along、across、,through、


