




英 [ˈbɑ:rɪdʒ]

美 [ˈbɑrɪdʒ]


心灵弹幕 Spirit Barrage

弹幕天空 Bullet Sky

弹幕大乱斗 ball barrage



There are several main types of bullet commentaries:


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Barrage now affects Aimed Shot.


As the Israelis pulled back to re-group the Syrian commandos attacked, engulfing the column in a barrage of RPGs.


On 29 May 400 enemy infantrymen, supported by ten tanks and under the protection of an artillery barrage, again assaulted the Azuma unit.


I thought very consciously: whatever I am doing at 41, I shall not still be sitting under barrages, and stuck to that resolve.


No other unit needs some automatic crappy ability which you have limited control over, I'd rather utilize my Banshee for a more effective AtG barrage.


The whole maths models in the rocket gun barrage antimissile weapon system, solving method, error simulation, emulation result and etc., are all realized by programming the emulating software.


Others remain wary of where bullet screens might take the viewing experience, expressing concern about a possible barrage of commercial advertisements, hate texts or other sensitive content in real-time messages on the screen.


Most of the APFSDS projectiles are made of tungsten alloy, their penetrators are very hard and fly with a high speed, and these ' re different with other anti-tank ammunitions which have shaped charge warheads. Using Fragments, artillery barrage or blast wave to intercept the APFSDS projectiles is not effectively.


MSW as a new concept weapon by using principle of launch in series which has super-high firing frequency can launch a lot of projectiles in very short time and can form multilayer projectile barrage in the sky which can hold up cruise missile, tactical missile, accurate guided bomb unit, antiship missile and attack plane effectively.


Considering the existing blocking fire systems, both Man-Graph method and multi-hit system exist disadvantages. This paper makes some improvement on the original blocking fire system, proposes a new method of the blocking barrage curtain configuration. According to the target state information, the new method can determine the size of the blocking barrage curtain real-time and independently, so it can control the distribution density of projectiles.

