




1.下列动词或动词短语后接不定式:agree, seem, appear, offer, happen, wish, hope, pay,

expect, long, plan, intend, promise, pretend, decide, afford, manage, choose, be said to,

would like to等。

2. 不定式常用的句型:too…to do (太……而不能), …enough to do…(够……就能……), so as to do/in order to do(为了……),so…as to do/such…as to do(如此……结果……)。

3. 不定式的三个结构:即否定结构、复合结构和疑问结构。

否定结构为“not (never) to do”;疑问结构是特殊疑问词“how (what, which, who, whether…) to do”;复合结构是“for/ of +名词(或代词宾格)+ to do ”。

4. let/ make/ have/ see/ hear/ notice/ observe/ listen to/ look at/ watch/feel

这些动词带不定式作宾补时,省掉to, 若这些动词以被动形式出现时,应加上to。

5. 当前面是the first, the second, the last, need, plan, time, chance, right,determination,

ability, opportunity(机会),way时,一般用不定式作定语。

6. but/ except + to do/ do 结构,要根据谓语动词来确定其后面的形式。当谓语动词是do,

does, did时,but后用动词原形;谓语动词是其他动词时,but后用“to + 动词原形”的形式。

7. 形容词后一般用不定式(除busy, worth 两个外)。

You are sure to succeed. 你一定能成功。

He is busy preparing his lessons at present. 他现在正忙于预习功课。

8. 不定式作定语和表语时,有时需要在后面放上一个适当的介词。

This is a bench to sit on.(这是用来坐的凳子。)

This room is comfortable to live in. (这个房间住起来很舒适。)

9. 在“主语+系动词+adj.+不定式”这个句型中,当主语是不定式的逻辑宾语时,不定式不用被动,不能在动词后再放宾语。

The question is easy to answer. (question是answer的宾语,不能说:The question is easy to be answered. 也不能说:The question is easy to answer it .)


1.while 是高考中的高频词,它既可引导时间状语从句,又可引导并列句,还可引导让步状语从句,表示“尽管”。

2. no matter wh- 与wh-ever 的联系及区别:no matter wh- 只引导让步状语从句,此时与wh-ever通用。wh-ever又可引导名词性从句,No matter wh-不能。

No matter when / Whenever he comes back, he should be invited to the party.

3. 在条件,时间和让步从句中,用一般现在时表示一般将来时,用现在完成时表将来完成时,

用一般过去时表过去将来时。在since 引导的时间状语从句中,动词一般都用一般过去时,而主句常用现在完成时。

4. 状语从句的倒装一般有下面几种情况:①否定词开头;②so 加adj. 开头;③as /


5. 连词before小结:

We had sailed four days before we saw land. (……才)

We hadn’t run a mile before he felt tired. (不到……就)

Please write it down before you forget it. (趁……)

Before I could get in a word, he had measured me. (还没来得及)

It will be/was…before…要过多久才……

6. because, since, as 引导原因从句的区别:because表达直接原因,语气最强,回答why;


7. as可以引导多种从句,要注意其中的区别。

8. till, until和not…until的区别;if和unless的区别。

