



1. Be happy no matter what.开心一点,管它怎样。

2. I think,I think too much.我想,是我想太多了。

3. I want him, he is so simple.我想要他,他是那么简单。

4. The lonely youth, I only for you.整个青春孤寂,我只为了一个你。

5. Nothing in the world is impossible if you set your mind to do it. 有志者事竟成。

6. My irrepressible fear to be afraid to go timid.我抑制不住的惶恐,害怕和胆怯。

7. I will follow you to the end of time. 我会随你到时间的尽头。

8. Hold my hand, but do not give me sympathy.握住我手但别给我同情。

9. Do you know that no one can replace you in my heart? 你知道吗,对我而言,你是任何人都无法取代的。

10. Expectation is the root of all heartache. 期待,是所有心痛的根源。

11. I am prepared for the worst, but I hope for the best. 做最坏的打算, 抱最好的希望。

12. I find pieces of you in every song I listen to.我在听的每一首歌里都能找到一点点你的痕迹。

13. Single cycle, actually listen to their feelings.单曲循环,其实是听着自己的心情。

14. You are unique and one of a kind. 你是唯一的,无可取代。

15. Sometimes loneliness kills you like hell. 有时候,孤独会像地狱一般将你侵蚀。

16. The heart is mine.But it is full of you.心是我的,可里面装的全是你。

17. Don’t regret anything that ever made you smile.那些曾经让你快乐过的事,没有什么好后悔的。

18. I love you. I knew it from the moment I saw you.我爱你,我看见你的第一刻就明白了。

19. Is your pale I wait, irony, my obsession. 是你苍白了我的等待,讽刺了我的执着

20. Everybody needs somebody sometimes. 每个人在某些时候都需要有人陪。

21. In 10 years, I wonder who is still going to be by my side. 我在想,十年之后还有谁会仍然陪在我身边。

22. Life may always have regret, but the future is still good. 生活或许总有遗憾,但未来依旧美好。

23. Life is a flower of which love is the honey. 人生如花,爱如蜜甜。

24. Never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life. 不要因为忙于谋生,而忘了生活。

25. A day without sunshine is like night. 没有阳光的白日如同黑夜

26. Follow your heart, but take your brain with you. 跟随自己内心的同时,也带着点儿脑子。


1. You are every lovely word I could possibly think of. 我能想到的每一个可爱的词,都是在说你。

2. No one loves you like me. No one. 没人能像我这般爱你,没有人能。

3. Overthinking is what kills you. 想太多会让人死掉。

4. Failure is not final, we still have a long way to go. 失败并非终点,我们仍有很长的路要走。

5. Please give me a reason to forget you,who loves me so much.给我一个理由忘记,那么爱我的你。

6. If you are too greedy, you will find yourself unable to hold onto anything.不能太贪心,否则什么都抓不住。

7. Better to do something imperfectly than to do nothing flawlessly. 宁愿做事不完美,总比完美地不做事要好。

8. You were a dream,then a reality, now a memory. 你曾是我的梦,后来成了现实,到如今却只是回忆。

9. Only those who risk going too far can know how far they can go.去过远方才能知道那儿的风景。

10. If you get tired, learn to rest, not to quit. 如果你累了,学会休息,而不是放弃。

11. Endure the pain,enjoy the gain. 忍得了痛,才享得了福。

12. In the story of your life, don’t let anybody else hold the pen.不要让他人执笔,来书写你的生命故事。

13. At least in my show time, I try my best to love you.至少在属于我出场的时间里,曾拼尽全力爱过你。

14. Some love, can only stop at the lips and teeth, mask in the years to come. 有些爱,只能止于唇齿,掩于岁月。

15. You can create your own happiness. 你可以创造属于自己的幸福。

16. Sleeping is nice. You forget about everything for a little while.还是睡觉好,能暂时忘掉一切烦恼。

17. I want to be whatyou are, see what you see,love what you love. 我想变成你,见你所见,爱你所爱。

18. Be real with me, or just leave me alone. 真诚待我,否则就请离我远点儿。

19. I charge you, you spoil me, this is the life I want.我管着你,你惯着我,这就是我想要的生活。

20. A person, be good to yourself; Two person, treat each other.一个人时,善待自己;两个人时,善待对方。

21. You are the only exception. 你是唯一的例外。

22. Stay true to you and you will end up incredibly happy. 做真实的自己,最终你会无比快乐。

23. What is love? Maybe when you are waiting, love is here. 等待,也许就是爱情本身。

24. Everything you want comes after you stop looking for it.当你不再寻觅,你想要的也就来了。

25. I’m counting the days till I see you again. 每天我这样数着日子,直到我们再次相见。

26. Like a sunrise, getting better and better.像日出一样,越来越好,所有的一切。

