




Subjects who thought their putter had been owned by a pro golfer putted better than othersusing the same putter without being told its pedigree. Amy Kraft reports It takes lots ofpractice to shave strokes off your golf score. Or you can just really believe in your putter.Because a new study finds that people putted better when told that their putter had been usedby a pro golfer.


The finding illustrates what’s calledpositive contagion: the belief that beneficial properties can be transferred to an object. Theresearch is in the journal Public Library of Science ONE.


Forty-one college students with golf experience were divided into two groups. One group heardthat the putter they would use had been owned by golf pro Ben Curtis. The others got thesame putter, but without the story. Before putting, everyone also was asked to draw a circlethe size of the hole. The subjects who thought their putter was touched by greatness drewthe hole bigger. All participants then took ten putts. And the ones who thought they hadCurtis’s stick sank an average of one and a half more putts than did those with no such beliefs.Of course, it’s possible that they golfed better because they had such a good lie.



高尔夫在美国逐渐没落 新技术可否拯救这项运动

Golf is stuck in the rough.


While other sports are growing in viewership, golf is slowing down. The July 22 World Cup game between the U.S.A. and Portugal earned a Nielsen household rating of 7.3. The 2014 NBA Finals between the San Antonio Spurs and the Miami Heat earned an average per-night rating of 9.3. The 2014 Super Bowl between the Seahawks and the Broncos got a household rating of 46.4—up from 42 in 2009, when the Steelers and Cardinals played.


Meanwhile, golf’s 2014 Masters tournament in April received a rating of 1.5, down from 2.0 last year.


And golf is not only slowing down on the screen. According to the National Golf Foundation (NGF), golf course closings outpaced golf course openings in 2013 for the eighth straight year. Last year, 157.5 courses closed (the 0.5 represents a 9-hole course) and only 14 opened. In a recent newsletter, the NGF stated that the annual net reduction in the number of golf courses is now in the 130-160 range.

高尔夫的衰落不光体现在电视荧屏上。美国国家高尔夫基金会(National Golf Foundation)的数据显示,2013年高尔夫球场的关闭速度连续第八年超过开设速度,过去一年共有157.5家高尔夫球场关门歇业(0.5代表一个9洞球场),而新开业的只有14家。该基金会最近发布的新闻通讯称,目前高尔夫球场每年的净关闭数量介于130-160家之间。

Jim Furyk, the 2010 FedEx Cup champion currently ranked No. 12 in the world on the PGA Tour, finds the decline a bit puzzling. “We are definitely in a difficult phase in golf right now,” he tells Fortune. “It’s surprising to me, because [in the past] golf was a really nerdy sport. It’s a lot more socially acceptable now.”

2010年联邦快递杯(FedEx Cup)冠军,目前职业高尔夫巡回赛(PGA Tour)排名第12的吉米o福瑞克对这项运动的每况愈下感到困惑不解。他对《财富》杂志表示:“这让我震惊。因为[过去]高尔夫确实不讨人喜欢,但现在人们对它的接受程度要高得多了。”

On the other hand, PGA Junior League Golf has expanded from 1,500 youth participants in 2012 to 8,900 in 2013, a 490% increase. In 2014, participation doubled (18,000 kids). And if you ask Donald Trump, golf is “booming.” In a recent video interview with Golf.com, Trump said the National Golf Foundation “is run by a person who is incompetent” and he refuted the NGF’s findings: “I think their numbers are totally wrong.” His basis for this claim: he said that his own golf courses and resorts are having their best year, “by far.” But Trump’s luxury courses (the initiation fee at Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, FL is around $250,000; at Trump National Golf Club in Briarcliff Manor, NY, it’s $350,000 plus $18,000 annual dues) do not represent the majority of golfers and golf clubs.


You could reasonably trace the sport’s decline to the pace of play. While a sport like hockey or basketball has plenty of nonstop action—athletes moving up and down the ice or court constantly—golf can be painfully slow. Colin Sheehan, head coach of the Men’s golf team at Yale University, thinks speed might be the issue. “What we really need is a culture of fast play, where there is less dilly-dallying,” he says.

人们可能会把高尔夫的衰落跟这项运动的节奏联系起来,这很合理。冰球或篮球等运动极具连贯性——运动员在冰场或球场上不停地来回穿梭——高尔夫却可以奇慢无比。耶鲁大学(Yale University)男子高尔夫球队总教练科林o希恩认为节奏也许是个问题:“我们真正需要的是一种快速运动的文化,一种少一些磨磨蹭蹭的文化。”

Jack Nicklaus, one of golf’s living legends, has been pushing for 12-hole courses since 2007; he even built a few. Some argue that the sport is just plain too difficult, and others have considered expanding the four-and-a-quarter inch width of the golf course hole all the way to 15 inches (about the size of a large pizza), which would be just over 350% wider. Sheehan has strong feelings about this proposal. “It’s ludicrous,” he says. “Golf is a game of history and tradition…. It’s ridiculous and takes away from the integrity of the game.”


Young golfers may also be attracted to new innovations. That’s what Irish entrepreneur John McGuire hopes. At the PGA Merchandise Show in Orlando in January, McGuire unveiled Game Golf, which allows users to quickly see their average shot distance for each club, average putts per hole, fairway accuracy, and other statistics. For $249, the Game Golf kit comes with a belt clip-on device that weighs about an ounce, and multiple “tags” that screw onto your clubs—one for each club. Before beginning a round, you screw the tags into the appropriate club-shaft, turn the belt-clip on, and tap the two together. This creates a GPS data-point; Game Golf has collected 2 billion of them so far from 33,000 courses around the world.

但参与高尔夫运动的年轻人也许会被一些创新所吸引。这正是爱尔兰企业家约翰o麦圭尔所希望的。1月份,在奥兰多举行的PGA商品展销会上,麦奎尔推出了Game Golf,用户通过这个产品可以迅速查看他们在各个俱乐部的平均击球距离、每一洞的平均推杆次数、在球道上的准确程度以及其他数据。Game Golf售价249美元,包括一个别在腰带上的“小盒子”,重约一盎司(约28克),以及多个用螺丝固定在球杆上的“扣子”——每只球杆一个。开球前,把这些“扣子”旋进球杆尾部,把“小盒子”打开,然后让二者接触一下。这样就建立了一个GPS数据点。目前,Game Golf已经在全球3.3万座高尔夫球场收集了20亿个这样的数据点提供的信息。

In the six months since its release, some three million shots have been recorded using Game Golf, which equates to about 45,000 rounds. According to the company, approximately 5,000 rounds of golf are uploaded per week from 55 countries around the world. It has also earned USGA approval, allowing it to be used in tournament play. Eric Jones, a PGA professional golf instructor at The Bridges in San Ramon, Calif., sees teaching potential in Game Golf. “I no longer have to ask a golfer how they played,” says Jones. “I can see it. Hole by hole and shot by shot. I can evaluate strategy: where they are placing the ball, which clubs they are selecting, and what decisions they are making.” His players are improving by an “average of 1.3 shots to 10.6 shots per round” using the new technology.

上市六个月以来,Game Golf记录下了300多万次挥杆,大约相当于4.5万场高尔夫。麦圭尔的公司表示,每星期他们都能从全球55个国家收集约5000场高尔夫的信息。美国高尔夫球协会(USGA)还同意在巡回赛上使用该产品。在加州圣拉蒙市The Bridges高尔夫球场工作的PGA职业教练埃里克o琼斯看到了Game Golf在传授高尔夫技能方面的潜力。他说:“我不再需要去问人们他们打的怎么样。我可以看到,每一洞,每一杆都看得到。我可以评估人们的策略,包括他们把球放在哪里,他们选择哪只球杆以及他们做出什么样的决定。”用了这项新技术后,琼斯的学员“每场球平均能提高1.3杆到10.6杆”。

Following a round, golfers can log on to the Game Golf website to view stats and data, and then, naturally, share them with friends. The idea is to help a golfer in New York compete for longest drive with his brother in California, or a woman in Florida attempt to hit more fairways than Lee Westwood, the 32nd ranked golfer in the world, whose statistics are also publicly available on the site.

打完一场高尔夫后,参与者可以登录到Game Golf网站上查看自己的状态和数据,当然,也可以和朋友们分享。这样,在Game Golf的帮助下,在纽约打高尔夫的人就可以和在加利福尼亚的兄弟比较谁的击球距离远;在佛罗里达的女士也可以和全球排名第32位的李o韦斯特伍德比较谁在球道上更为精准。韦斯特伍德在Game Golf网站公开了自己的击球数据。

Westwood is one of three pro golfers who own equity in Game Golf—the other two are Furyk and 2010 U.S. Open Champion Graeme McDowell (who appears to be aggressively diversifying his business interests—as Fortune reported, he is among an elite group of athletes to have just signed with Teneo Sports.) It’s still up for grabs if this technology can drum up more participation in the sport. Furyk won’t speculate, and only says, “Golf is supposed to be fun. I think that this well help make golf more fun.”

韦斯特伍德是参股Game Golf的三名职业高尔夫选手之一,另外两人是福瑞克和2010年美国公开赛冠军格雷姆o麦克道尔(麦克道尔看来正在积极地多方面发展自己的商业兴趣——《财富》杂志已经报道过,他是和咨询机构Teneo Sports签约的一批运动精英中一员)。这项技术能否吸引更多的人来打高尔夫尚无定论。对此福瑞克不打算进行猜测,他只是说:“高尔夫应该是一项有趣的运动。我觉得这会有助于它变得更有趣。”

To be sure, Game Golf is just one of many new technologies hitting the course: high-tech putters (TaylorMade’s Spider Si), drivers (Nike’s VRS Covert 2.0), golf balls (Bridgestone’s B330 series), shoes (Callaway’s X Cage-Pro), and even tees (Tornado Tee) are released every few years. (Meanwhile, Golf Digest recently wrote about the increasing usage of drones in golf, for photography purposes.) These are great for the avid golfer, but an amateur might not understand the need for these upgrades. Game Golf may not be the best known company trying to modernize the green, but it appears to be the one most aggressively targeting the young and social media-savvy. Can that resuscitate the sport?

当然,Game Golf只是高尔夫运动引进的许多新技术中的一项,其他新技术还包括高科技推杆(如TaylorMade生产的Spider Si推杆)、球杆(如耐克的VRS Covert 2.0球杆)、高尔夫球(如普利斯通的B330系列)、球鞋(Callaway的X Cage-Pro)甚至球座(Tornado Tee)——每隔几年就会出现新的技术,此外,《高尔夫大师》(Golf Digest)杂志最近提到了在高尔夫球场上越来越多地使用无人机,目的是拍照。这些对高尔夫迷来说都是很棒的东西,但外行人可能不理解这些技术方面的升级有何必要。在试图让高尔夫运动实现现代化的公司中,Game Golf也许不是最出名的,但它看来是最积极地以年轻人和社交媒体名人为目标的公司之一。这能让高尔夫运动复苏吗?

McGuire believes it can. But, of course, products that seek to make golf better won’t have much of a future if there aren’t any golfers to use them.



About 400 students at an elementary school in Shanghai began the spring semester by swinging golf clubs.


The Experimental School of Foreign Languages Affiliated with East China Normal University is the first public elementary school in China to introduce golf as one of its compulsory courses.


It said on its website that since the semester began on Feb 18 all first- and second-grade students must practice golf once a week. Extra tuition fees will not be charged for students who take the course.


Xia Haiping, the school principal, told Chinese media outlet The Paper: "Golf is not a high-class sport exclusive to the rich. It can be a popular game accessible to all."


Xia Haiping, the school principal, said the school added the course to its syllabus not only to improve conditions for students, but also to help them with etiquette.


It is estimated that there are more than 30 schools in China - private and public, elementary and secondary - that include golf as part of their physical education lessons.


The sport has become hugely popular among businesspeople in China. Many parents now hope that it can give their children an edge when applying for overseas university places.


In 1997, Shenzhen University in Guangdong province was the first educational institution in Asia to establish a golf college dedicated to training professional talent in playing and managing the game.


According to the sports management company Forward Management Group, there were about 32,000 junior golfers in China by 2013, and the number is rising.


