名词解释:自由之舟(FREEDOM SHIP)是世界上第一个移动海上城市,计划在船上建设学校、医院、购物广场、美术馆、赌场等生活娱乐设施,之后还会在屋顶搭建飞机场。如果该项目能够实现,那是有史以来建造的最大的船,也将是第一座漂浮城市。你知道怎么用英语表达吗?
A city on the sea may seem like a science fiction fantasy, but one Florida company is looking to bring the idea to life.
The Freedom Ship will be a mile-long, 25-story high floating city that will be able to house a total of 50,000 people. It will feature an airport, shopping centers, residential spaces, a library, schools and a hospital.
If completed, it will be so large it will never be able to enter a port. The vessel will sail constantly around the globe, holding enough room to house 30,000 daily visitors, 20,000 crew members and 10,000 overnight guests.

文中的Freedom Ship就是“自由之舟”的意思,其中ship就是“大船”的意思。客船的英文作a passenger ship,而货船的英文是a cargo ship。其他类似的用法还如a sailing ship 帆船,a merchant ship 商船,a container ship 集装箱船等。
ship与boat不完全相同,boat通常指小船,如a fishing boat 渔船。其他常见的船型还有如barge 驳船、warship 军舰、yacht 游艇、raft 木筏、canoe 独木舟等。文中的crew members意思是“船员”。