What does that sign mean英语教案及教学反思


做好英语教案,是小学英教师正常开展教学活动的重要保障,下面小编为大家带来小学英语What does that sign mean英语教案及教学反思,希望对你有所帮助。

What does that sign mean英语教案:


Be able to talk about the English studying in the winter vacation

Be able to read and listen to the words and sentences

Learn the words: a sign, No mobile phone, a cinema, No talking, No fishing, Do not go in, No picking of flowers, No spitting.

Understand the sentence: What does that sing mean? It means / says ...


Pronunciation: a sign, No mobile phone, a cinema, No talking, No fishing, Do not go in, No picking of flowers, No spitting.

What does that sing mean? It means / says ...


Tape recorder

Some pictures


Step1. Organization of class


Warm-up activities

Sing English songs.

Step2. Presentation

Show the sing: No talking

T: Have you seen this sign? Where can you see it? What does it mean?

T: It‘s means “Please keep quiet.”

Teach: exit, staff only

A game: Making friends (maching)

Do not go in.No mobile phone

You are go out from there.Staff only

Do not use mobile phone.Exit

Don’t talk.No talking.

Step3: Practice

Listen to the tape.

Look at the wall picture, try to understand the meaning.

Read after the tape.

Teaching the meaning of “are going to ...”

Read the text.

Game: Magic eyes. (T says the sentences silently, Ss guess what teacher say.)

Roll play.

What does that sign mean教学反思:


活动自开始到结束,我们英语组老师们共上英语课12节, 其他副科8节,除了他们的音乐课外,老师们的其他课我基本都参与了听课,现就五年级英语第十课的听课情况进行总结与反思


1.the christmas story英语教案及教学反思


3.In china英语教案及反思


5.what do they eat英语教案及反思

6.I have a headache英语教案及反思

