


在旁边[zài páng biān]


aside ; beside ; aboard ; alongside of ; by

网 络beside;aside;alongside;next to



We are grazing the sheep in the next field.


And you stood there and let him die?


300 Euro.god told me to put it aside.



I want to see that. Do you mind if I stay on the side here?


You still feel like sticking around?


Will you be there when the baby comes?

1. I was close by as Lester was stretchered into the ambulance. 莱斯特被用担架抬进救护车时我就在 旁边 。

2. Mrs. Haines stood nearby, holding scissors to cut a ribbon. 海恩斯夫人站在 旁边 ,手持剪刀准备剪彩。

3. We waited in an adjoining office. 我们在 旁边 的办公室里等候。

4. He spoke softly to a couple standing nearby. 他轻声和站在 旁边 的一对夫妇说话。

5. Cindy lashed her motorboat alongside. 辛迪把她的快艇系在 旁边 。

6. He was content to stand by as an impassive spectator. 他满足于站在 旁边 做一个冷漠的旁观者.

7. This dress hooks at the back , not at the side. 这件衣服是在 背后而不是在 旁边 扣钩.

8. He sat there without saying a word. 他坐在 旁边 一声不吭.

9. I would avoid him like the plague when his wife and my parents were around. 他的妻子和我的父母在 旁边 时,我会极力躲着他。

10. I sat on the settee to unwrap the package while he stood by. 我坐在 长椅上打开包裹时他就站在 旁边 。

11. The two of us stood by while two typists typed out the whole document again. 当两个打字员重新打出文件全文的时候,我们俩就站在 旁边 。

12. O'Brien was standing at his side, looking down at him intently. 奥勃良站在 旁边 , 注意地低头看着他.

13. Jui - chueh asked herself in a low voice. She knew what Mei meant. 瑞珏 在 旁边 低声问她自己, 她明白梅的意思.

14. He supported himself by means of a nearby post. 他靠在 旁边 的柱子上。

15. The other officers hovered helplessly about , whispering and waving theirhands. 其他军官不知所措地在 旁边 走来走去, 晃着手悄悄地议论.

16. The woman at the next table was giving him the glad eye. 坐在 旁边 桌子那儿的女子向他抛媚眼.

17. Still others stood by and offered kind advice to the workers. 还有一些人站在 旁边 ,给卖力气的人好心地出主意.

18. She at last condescended to evince awareness of his proximity. 最后她才纡贵屈尊地表示出她注意到他在 旁边 .

19. He listened with sympathy to his senior's prospects of planting and draining. 他哥哥谈起怎么种树,怎么排水,他在 旁边 洗耳恭听.

20. Mel deduced there were others within hearing. 梅尔估计有人在 旁边 听得到她在 说话.

