




The wolf and the lamb

Once upon a time a wolf was lapping at a stream. When he looked up, he saw a lamb drinking a little lower down.

"There’s my supper," he thought. "I will find some excuse to catch it." Then he called out to the lamb, "How dare you muddle the water?" "No, master," said the lamb. "I cannot muddle your water because it runs down from you to me."

"Well, then," said the wolf. "Why did you call me bad names this time last year?" "It was impossible," said the lamb. "I am only six months old."

"I don’t care," shouted the wolf. "If it was not you, it must be your father." After that he rushed at the poor little lamb and ate it up.





寓意: 当一个坏人想为自己所做的坏事寻找借口时,他不会在乎这个借口是否恰当。


The wolf and the crane

When a wolf was eating an animal, a small bone from the meat got stuck in his throat. He could not swallow it, so he felt a terrible pain.

He ran up and down, and tried to find something to relieve the pain.

He tried to convince anyone to remove the bone. "I would give anything," he said, "if you would take it out."

At last the crane agreed to try. It told the wolf to open his mouth, and then put its long neck down the wolf’s throat.

The crane loosened the bone with its beak, and finally got it out.

"Will you kindly give me the reward?" asked the crane.

The wolf showed his teeth, and said, "Be content,you have put your head into a wolf’s mouth and taken it out again in safety. That is a great reward for you."





寓意: 一个贪得无厌的人是不会因为得到别人的帮助而心存感激的。



The vixen and the lioness

One morning when a vixen was taking her babies out of the lair, she saw a lioness and her cub.

"Why do you have only one child, dear dame?" asked the vixen.

"Look at my healthy and numerous children here, and imagine, if you are able, how a proud mother should feel."

The lioness said calmly, "Yes, just look at that beautiful collection. What are they? Foxes! I've only one, but remember, that one is a lion."





寓意: 贵重的价值在于质,而不在于量。


The fox and the grapes 狐狸和葡One hot summer day a fox was walking through an orchard. He stopped before a bunch of grapes. They were ripe and juicy.

"I’m just feeling thirsty," he thought. So he backed up a few paces, got a running start, jumped up, but could not reach the grapes.

He walked back. One, two, three, he jumped up again, but still, he missed the grapes.

The fox tried again and again, but never succeeded. At last he decided to give it up.

He walked away with his nose in the air, and said“I am sure they are sour.”





寓意: 在经历了许多尝试而不能获得成功的时候,有些人往往故意轻视成功,以此来寻求心理安慰。



The fox without a tail

A fox’s tail was caught in a trap. When he was trying to release himself, he lost his whole tail except the stump.

At first he was ashamed to see the other foxes because he had no tail, but he was determined to face his misfortune. He called all the foxes to a meeting.

When they had gotten together, the fox said that they should all do away with their tails.

He said that their tails were very inconvenient when they met with their enemies.

He did not talk about any advantages of the tail. "You are right," said one of the older foxes, "but I don’t think you would advise us to do away with our tails if you hadn’t lost it yourself first."






●一只老狐狸站出来说:“如果你没有失去你的尾巴,你是不会来劝大家都割去尾巴的。 ”

寓意: 有些人为了自己的利益而劝告他人,我们不能轻信他们的意见。


The fox and the goat

An unlucky fox fell into a well. It was quite deep, so he could not get out by himself..

A goat passed by. He asked the fox what he was doing in the well. "Oh, have you not heard?" said the fox. "There is going to be a great drought, so I jumped down to get some water. Why don’t you come down here too?"

The goat believed his words, and jumped down into the well.

But the fox immediately jumped on the goat’s back and up to the edge of the well. "Good-bye, friend," said the fox. "Remember next time don’t trust the advice of a man in difficulties."





寓意: 处于困境之中的人为了摆脱困境,往往不惜牺牲别人的利益,所以他们的建议常常是不可信的。

