



The first volunteer in high school, our entire class as a volunteer in Heilongjiang Province Student Games service tournament, although only a short service only three days, but prior preparation but we spent the whole summer in July, although our chest and not gold badge, but the tournament media officer athletes affirmation of our reputation is the greatest encouragement.

Came to college, I actively participated in some volunteer work, such as Wuhan University, 2015 College Entrance Examination long consultation volunteers, volunteer work 80 hours, won as outstanding volunteers title; legal advice, the martyrs cemetery sweep, retired cadres condolences teacher and a series of volunteer service that does not conflict with my schoolwork time, I have dedicated participation. And in November 2015 held in Wuhan, Hubei Province of China as a member of the Eighth Festival News volunteer team, I experienced the most memorable moments of volunteer service. Eight Arts Festival as a volunteer can participate in such a grand national festival of the people, I give myself a reward 20-year-old youth, it is a baptism. During this festival people, art event, I gain the excellent Chinese culture and arts of love, harvest Hubei Wuhan heartfelt pride, to really gain some indestructible friendship to the United States, also in 10 days and nights in his enthusiasm interpretation eight Arts Festival volunteers volunteer Hubei, service eight Arts, cultural heritage, dedication to community volunteer service purposes, the interpretation of the style of our college students, volunteering in a tight full days to hone their will to improve their practical ability and comprehensive quality service. Our team eventually won the outstanding team of volunteers volunteer service awards ceremony, I also got a provincial personal recognition.

Today, it is possible to join the new ownership status to a higher scale level of the G20 Hangzhou volunteer service I am deeply honored, naturally more enthusiasm perfusion in volunteer activities, more strict requirements to spur their efforts station good post each class. I hope that here in our city volunteers will take this as a base, our ordinary moments freeze forever, as long as the intention is washed days are trimmed with gold edges, with the passing of love are overflowing blessing smile, which will Guangzhou Asian Games gave us the best gift, but also our greatest responsibility for themselves. Our volunteers also wonderful unknown city a lot, the same can be our style unlimited spread.


. I know that their college life hard to come by, so I treasure my efforts. College experience bit by bit, let me become more mature, more capable. I am optimistic, cheerful, friendly, warm-hearted man, full of affinity and appeal. The face of difficulties, the courage to face me, confident calm, so I think I'm qualified for this post G20 volunteers.

At work, I served as group secretary, deputy director of the community office, the President and other duties, particularly honored that junior year, I became a freshman agent class. During his tenure, I deeply felt as a teacher of civic pride and mission, but also more determined when I'm gonna be a good teacher of the people's ideals and beliefs.At the same time, I also served as a senior committee of the grade, grade the work of the Commission which, I realize that as a special needs student cadre responsibility, patience and careful, and I own all aspects of capacity has also been greatly improved .

In learning, I am hardworking, two consecutive years was named Colonel "good student" in the May Fourth appraised, but also gain something. At the same time the university in women's volleyball tournament second gas; eligible hospital Games Women Shot fifth and so on. I was a constant pursuit of continuous improvement, continuous learning girl, I know my body has many deficiencies and shortcomings, but I will continue the efforts, all the way forward. Specialty: singing, volleyball, basketball and communication.


Childhood living atmosphere cultivate my stone-like character, simple but ordinary, my hobby dynamic and static. Sports like football, good run. Football run, I realized that in the face of failure, do not say-die; in the long run, I have come to understand not to lose faith, with perseverance, it will be with the outcome. Quiet when I like collecting stamps, Philatelic Association of Inner Mongolia was the youngest member, he is eligible to participate in the second autonomous exhibition Youth philately made me realize that the value of the collection lies in the fun and enjoy the beauty of the infinite: it can get rid of anguish of spirit, and feel the beauty of life; it can alleviate physical pain, it is healthy; it can make people feel relaxed and lively and full of fight. So, philately he gave me optimistic attitude towards life, a positive attitude is a great wealth of life, it is priceless.

Love of learning in geography, participated in the National Geography Olympiad and won the second prize, went to participate in the self-enrollment dream long China University of Geosciences. Likes a sightseeing tour, prefer quiet secluded lakes and mountains, their favorite study of toponymy, has published a paper on the evolution of Inner Mongolia geographical names, nature gave me a big heart and good nature. Usually interested in computers, and, like the other boys, like to watch sports magazine, looked at 10 years of "Sports Weekly", ha ha, now continues.

For the G20 volunteers, as a very ordinary college student, I quietly doing a volunteer, I was one of countless volunteers, we are using ordinary, small things in their own practice volunteers promise! do what we can, without remuneration, to help others, to serve the community! we are all silent devotees. In my life I have been acting as volunteer growth ladder. He came to the University or to engage in volunteer activities, volunteer associations in more volunteer experience to bring you the warmth and emotion. Attend school for the blind support education, the obligation to participate in selling newspapers, a key simple caring activities in my heart waves, help me grow, let me know Thanksgiving. In June 20XX very fortunate to participate in the Communist Youth League Hubei accompany blind to see the World Expo delegation visited the Expo together with blind children, together with them I realized that the people strong and unyielding, and come to understand their fate struggle, they gave me a lot of growing and moving, and I also appreciate the role of volunteers in our growing activities. This time, to Hangzhou G20 summit, I hope to bring more of our volunteer spirit, volunteers carry forward the spirit, so that "give roses, hand left lingering fragrance" filled in the hearts of more people。





