


How does someone become a narcissist, or are they born that way?

It depends, children, especially newborns, demand constant attention but that is a process of survival. Eventually, as they mature, they should learn that they are not the only ones on earth with valid needs. That is where patience, consideration, and other valuable social traits are developed.



In my personal opinion, I see two options a person can take. When there are parents who are extreme narcissists, they will tend to be inattentive to the emotional needs of their child. Those needs might get ignored, ridiculed, shamed, or attacked. In the end the child is hungry for love and attention. Having a love deficit may cause a child to do one of two things:



1) Become an actor in order to get the admiration and attention the child needs. The parents are not safe. They disdain showing neediness and pain. The parents live for appearances. The child is emotionally bleeding and trying to survive because of experiencing emotional neglect. As a result, the child cannot find safety in parents and thus starts to hide to survive.


The child experiments with playing false impersonations. They soon find that they can manipulate their parents and others by acting. With this foundation, they embark on the path of wearing all kinds of disguises and masks in order to get anything they want, especially from persons who have love-hunger and seek to please to get it. They become incredibly selfish, unfeeling, and expert manipulators.


2) Another way that extreme narcissists are created is by being brought up super-pampered. Being brought up without negative consequences for being selfish and hurtful creates a social monster. We call them brats, but this is “Brat-Supreme.” These individuals know little of respecting other’s personal boundaries. They believe they are gods… or God. Their Ego knows no bounds in grandiosity.


Do you think narcissism is something of a growing 21st century problem?


Yes, as a result of Baby Boomers/Hippie Generation wanting the best for their children, they have created children who feel entitled and who believe they deserve unreserved success without much difficulty.


Can narcissism be “cured”?


Maybe. It depends on the skills of the clinician. Most behavioral clinicians have difficulty knowing how to work with one. For an extreme narcissist to be “cured” he must want to heal and be willing to admit he is unhealthy.


For most extreme narcissists, that is simply asking too much. For an extreme narcissist to want to change there must be a gigantic and earth-shattering series of events in their lives to break them of their grandiosity, extreme selfishness, entitlement, and self-righteousness.


Should an extreme narcissist be willing to be helped, the clinician must be skilled enough to find the wounds of his inner soul, help heal them, and replace them with healthy self-images and patterns for relational dynamics. The only kind of extreme narcissist that can be cured is a broken one.




narcissistic [,na:si'sistik] adj. 自我陶醉的;自恋的;自我崇拜的;孤芳自赏的

narcissist ['na:sisist] n. 自恋者,自我陶醉者

narcissism ['na:si,siz?m] n. 自恋,自我陶醉,孤芳自赏


1. Young Americans are in the lead again in becoming increasingly narcissistic, a recent study has revealed.


2. Sister Hibiscus says things as if she is living in a romance novel. Many call her anarcissist, but she prefers the term "self- confidence."


3. Freud first mentioned this concept in his paper "On Narcissism".


最后,我们再区分一下“自恋”与“自大”这两个涵义容易混淆的词,“自恋”更倾向于“欣赏自己,陶醉于自我”的意思,而“自大”更强调“自身权威对他人的压制,目中无人”,对应的英语词汇有arrogant, stuck-up, self-important, conceited等。

