


別名「桃州」 (Peach State) 的喬治亞建於1733年,它是最初的13州之一。為紀念英王喬治二世 (England's King George II) ,遂以其名號為該州命名。內戰 (Civil War) 時,亞特蘭大 (Atlanta) 一役是南方各州戰敗的轉捩點。時至今日,於1868年成為喬治亞首府的亞特蘭大是一座興盛的城市,有重要的國家企業,亦可視為美國東南部的經濟和文化中心。喬治亞的州花是奇羅基玫瑰。

Known today as the "Peach State," Georgia, founded in 1733, is one of the original 13 states. It was named in honor of England's King George II. During the Civil War, the fall of Atlanta was a crucial turning point in the defeat of the South. Today, Atlanta, which became Georgia's capital in 1868, is a thriving city with major national corporations, and it is considered the economic and cultural center of the Southeast. The state flower is the Cherokee rose.



原名Terminus的亞特蘭大是建於1837年,它是喬治亞西北方的鐵路中心,到了1852年時,它的居住人口已達3,000人,而其中500人為奴隸;因為它的 地理位置及商業的重要性,內戰時,亞特蘭大被用來當作南部邦聯軍隊的行動指揮中心和補給路線,因而它也成為北部聯盟軍隊的首要攻擊目標;雪曼將軍 (General William Tecumseh Sherman) 及他的軍隊於1864年佔領這座城市,為了要動搖邦聯軍隊組織, 北部聯盟軍隊在離開時將亞特蘭大燒成平地,您認為焚燒城市是一種極端行為嗎?

現在的亞特蘭大是喬治亞的首府,以健全的經濟發展及馬丁路德金恩博士 (Martin Luther King Jr) 的誕生地而聞名於世。

Atlanta played an important role during the Civil War. Do you know what it was?

Founded in 1837 as a railway center for northwestern Georgia, Atlanta's original name was "Terminus." By 1852, its population had reached 3,000, including some 500 slaves. Because of its location and commercial importance, Atlanta was used as a center for military operations and as a supply route by the Confederate army during the Civil War. Therefore, it also became a target for the Union army. General William Tecumseh Sherman and his troops captured the city in 1864. In order to weaken the Confederate military organization, Union troops burned Atlanta to the ground before they moved on. Do you think that burning the city was an extreme action?

Today, Atlanta is the capital of Georgia. It is known for its robust economy and as the birthplace of Martin Luther King Jr.

