Despite being taught the importance of listening from a young age -- think about how many teachers have asked you to "put your listening ears on" -- the truth is, most of us aren't as good at the skill as we ought to be.
Research shows that the average person listens with only 25 percent efficiency -- meaningthere's a lot we're letting go in one ear and out the other. But as listening expert Paul Sacco,Ph.D., an assistant professor at the University of Maryland School of Social Work, explains,there are just a few simple habits that set the real good listeners apart from the rest.
As Greek philosopher Epictetus once theorized, "Wehave two ears and one mouth so we can listen twiceas much as we speak." So how do we start usingthose features moreproportionally -- or, as Saccoadvises -- access our inner good listener?

Below are eight habits that good listeners practice in their everyday lives and conversations thatyou can adopt for yourself.
They're present.
Being mindful in conversations is a hallmark characteristic of a good listener, Sacco notes.When you're fully aware in the moment, you're more likely to retain what you're hearing andrespond with more authenticity. That means stashing those phones and ridding yourself of alldistractions.
"Good listeners really put everything down and focuson the person in front of them," he says. "And as aresult, the other person becomes instantly awarethat they have an interest in what they have to say."
They're empathetic.
Part of effective listening is the effort to empathize with the person you're speaking with.Whether or not you're able to fully relate, your compassion won't go unnoticed. "Spend amoment putting yourself in their position, what's going through their head and what it must belike for them," Sacco says.
"Understanding what their experience is even beforeyou talk to them [can help you connect with them].And it sounds bad, but even if you blow it, you'restill better off because the other person will see theattempt."
They realize their shortcomings.
It may be a strange way of thinking about it, but accepting yourself is key to being a goodlistener overall, Sacco says. In other words, we can't pick up on everything everyone is sayingall the time -- and that's OK. "I've definitely had my share of reflective listening failures," Saccoadmits. "Sometimes... having that intentionality to listen and allowing yourself to miss the boatsometimes [is good enough]."
They have an open mind.
Great listeners know that every conversation they have isn't going to resolve a larger issue -- but it puts them one step closer to understanding the people they communicate with on adaily basis. "Listening isn't magic," Sacco explains. "If I have a conflict with my daughter, I stillhave a conflict -- but it puts you in a position where you can start to problem-solve. ... Itallows each person to understand the other's thoughts."
They're emotionally intelligent.
Emotional intelligence, or the awareness of our emotions and the emotions of those aroundus, can help enhance any interaction -- especially when it comes to listening.
According to Travis Bradberry, author of Emotional Intelligence 2.0, cultivating a high "EQ" isparamount when sharpening your listening skills. And all it takes is practice and focus.
"When you're caught up with thinking about whatyou're going to say next, you aren't listening," hetold the Chicago Tribune in 2011. "But if you stopwhat you're doing, and really focus on the persontalking, you activate neurons in your brain and yourbody starts to hone in on the other person. Thishelps you retain more information.
They pose significant questions.
Part of active listening isn't just lending your ear, but asking appropriate follow-up questionsto draw out more information. This ability to provide thought-provoking feedback is one of thebest ways to show you're engaged in what the other person has to say, Sacco says. "Peoplewho are good listeners validate other people's feelings," he adds. "It shows that what they'resaying makes sense."
They're not on the defensive.
Not all of the things you hear are going to be rosy. "I'm great at listening when someone istelling me things I want to hear," Sacco explains. "It gets a little more difficult when someonegives you feedback that you find troubling or you perceive as being damaging to your ego."
Effective listeners don't block out negative criticism.Instead, they listen and develop an understanding ofwhat the person is trying to convey beforeresponding. "They're aware of their own reactions toother people," Sacco says. "The difference between aterrible listener and a great listener can sometimesbe the response time. A lot of conversations ... cango pretty bad or pretty well depending on the abilityto step back and just take a moment beforeresponding."
They're OK with being uncomfortable.
In addition to not playing defense, Sacco also advises embracing every emotion during yourconversations -- even feelings of discomfort or anger. "You need to get comfortable with beinguncomfortable," Sacco says. "When you're having difficult conversations with people, if youwant to be fully listening, that may be a hard thing for you to do but it's important to try."
They're good leaders.
Research has shown that there's a direct correlation between strong leadership and stronglistening skills -- and it really comes as no surprise. As Richard Branson, CEO of Virgin Groupwrites, the most effective leaders and entrepreneurs listen more than they speak:
To be a good leader you have to be a great listener.Brilliant ideas can spring from the most unlikelyplaces, so you should always keep your ears openfor some shrewd advice. This can mean followingonline comments as closely as board meeting notes,or asking the frontline staff for their opinions asoften as the CEOs. Get out there, listen to people,draw people out and learn from them.
Many people neglect this most important communication skill.
Do you know that we spend an average of our waking day communicating?
Of this communication time, 9% is spent writing, 16% reading, 30% talking and 45% listening.
Immediately after hearing something, most of us can recall only 50% of what we hear. Within two to eight weeks, we can recall only 25% or less of the original message. Our mental attitudes reduce our ability to retain what we hear.
Some suggestions to being a good listener are mentioned below.
First of all, stop talking----you can't listen while you are talking.
Ask questions----when you don't understand, when you need further clarification, when you want them to like you and when you want to show that you are listening.
Don't interrupt----give them time to say what they have to say.
Concentrate on what they are saying---- actively focus your attention on their words, their ideas and their feelings as they relate to the subject.
Look at the prospect---- by looking, it gives them confidence that you are, in fact, listening. It helps you to concentrate too.
Leave your emotions behind----try to forget your own worries and problems. Leave them outside of the meeting room. They will prevent you from listening well.
Understand the main points ----concentrate on the main ideas and not the illustrative material.
Don't argue mentally----when you are trying to understand other people, it is a handicap to argue with them mentally as they are speaking. This only sets up a barrier between yourself and the speaker.
Use the difference in rate----you can listen faster than you can talk. So use this rate difference to your advantage by staying on the right track, anticipating what they are going to say, thinking back over what they have just said and evaluating the development of their argument. You speak at about 100 to 150 words per minute, but you think at 250 to 500.
Learn to listen and you will achieve a great success in your life.