In the old English custom, the hare (not rabbit) was said to have an evil eye, whose glance can only be countered by people who own a hare's hind foot.
In the olden days, it was said that the warrior Queen Boadicea of Norfolk, East Britain, brought a hare with her to ensure luck in battle against the Roman Empire who had invaded her kingdom.

This brought people to believe that the hare had miraculous powers. However, the pagan practice of worshiping the hare eventually stopped after most Britons were converted to Christianity in the 6th century by the first Archbishop of Canterbury.
Nevertheless, many Britons carried hare's feet in their pocket or purse. Later, rabbits were introduced in Britain from the other European countries, and since rabbits can be caught more easily than hares, the rabbit's foot replaced the hare's foot as a lucky charm.