



S: I am thinking about hanging out this weekend with a friend, which place do you suggest?


D: If you are interested, I strongly recommend the museums in University of Cambridge.


S: I heard that there are altogether seven museums in Cambridge. Do you know what they are?


D: Fitzwilliam Museum, Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, Museum of Zoology, Museum of Classical Archaeology, Whipple Museum of the History of Science, and...let me see.,.The Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences, Museum of the Scott Polar Research Institute.

D:费兹威廉博物馆、考古与人类学博物馆、动物学博物馆、古典考古博物馆、惠普 科学历史博物馆,还有,让我想想……塞德威克地球科学博物馆和史考特北极研 究所博物馆等。

S: The collections in each of them can be told from their names. I think the last one you mentioned just now is about polar research? I'd like to have a tour around it. I've heard about it before.

S:听这些博物馆的名字就大概知道馆藏的内容了。你最后一个提到的是关于极地考 察的吗?我想去参观一下这个,我之前就听说过它。

D: Yes, Museum of the Scott Polar Research Institute. But unfortunately, when I went there last week, it was closed for renovation and it won't be open until June.

D:是的。史考特北极研究所博物馆。但不幸的是,我们上固去那里的时候,它因为 要整修而a馆了,直到7月才会开。

S: What a pity! I've always wanted to have a look at the Antarctic gallery and the Arctic gallery.

S:太可惜了!我一直想去看看里面的南 极馆和北极馆。

D: I am very interested in them, too. The Antarctic gallery displayed permanent exhibits o( material from several of the “Heroic Age” Antarctic expeditions from Britain.

D:我对这个也特别感兴趣。南极馆一直 都在展示"英雄年代几次始于英国 的南极探险。

S; In particular Captain Scott's expeditions. Besides, Roald Amundsen's flag from the South Pole is an item of particular interest.


D: Antarctic Treaty details, basic Antarctic geology, philatelic items and polar medals were also displayed, alongside models of several expeditionary ships, and a selection of other polar material.

D:南极条约的详细条款,南极洲的基本地形,邮票和极地奖牌也在展出,另外还有 其他几艘探险船的模型和一些极地物质。

S: Compared to those, I am more interested in examples of polar transport equipment: sledges, skis, snow shoes, and clothing, both ancient and modem, especially the ancient equipment.

S:和这些相比,我对极地旅行装备的展览更有兴趣:雪橇、滑雪板、外套,既有过 去的也有现代的,我对过去的装备尤其感兴趣。

D: And what interested me most is the exhibition of British Arctic exploration during the 19th century in the Arctic gallery.


S: That interests me very much, too. Ivory items from walruses, sperm whales, narwhal,and even mammoths are displayed there.

S:我也对那个感兴趣。用海象、抹香鲸、独角鲸,甚至猛犸象的牙齿做成的器具也 都在那展不。

D: True, and Inuit artefacts and a display of scrimshaw were some of its specialties. The grandfather of the modem snow- scooter, now a widely used transport device in both polar regions, was also exhibited. Maybe we can go there together months later.

D:对啊。最有特色的,莫过于因纽特人的手工制品和贝雕品了。现代雪上单脚滑行 车的"始祖"也在展示之列,现在在两极地区得到了广泛使用。再过几个月,我 们可以一起来参观。

S: Good idea. Since this museum has been closed, where did you go?


D: I went to the Museum of Zoology. I can assure you that it is a wonderful place to go. It happened that when we arrived, the Cambridge Science Festival was held in the museum,

D:我们去了动物学博物馆。我跟你说,这绝对是个好地方。我们去的时候,正好赶 上剑桥科技节。

S: Really? You're lucky! Is it still available if I go there this weekend?


D: I am afraid not. Generally, it lasts for a week or so. Don't be disappointed. The museum is great. It is home to a huge variety of recent and fossil animals and rivals those of the major university museums world-wide.

D:恐怕来不及了,通常这个科技节都只持续一固时间。不要伤心,这个博物馆真的 很不错。里面大量的现代的和远古时期物种可以和世界上著名的大学博物馆媲美。

S: That's great! I will go and have a look this weekend. Thanks a lot!



Hi, Nete, what are you reading?


A study in Scarlet. Have you heard of it?

N:《血字的研究 》,你听过这本小说吗?

Oh, yes. The hero of this novel is Sherlock Holmes,And I'm a huge fan of Holmes.


Holmes is renowned for his astute observation and deductive reasoning. And he uses forensic skills to solve difficult cases.

N:福尔摩斯因他敏锐的观察力和演绎推理能力而享誉于世。他还运用法医技巧来解 决疑案。

Every novel that featured in Holmes is so thrilling that you could hardly bear to put it down.


I can’t agree with you more. As soon as I buy a novel about Holmes, I'll read it at a stretch.


Of the Sherlock Holmes novels, The Hound of the Baskervilles is probably the best known. It has been made into a film over twenty times with adaptations in languages as diverse as Indian, German, Russian and Italian.

S:在福尔摩斯的小说系列中,《巴斯克维尔的猎犬》可能是最有名的。它至少20次 被改编为电影,以印度语、德语、俄语和意大利语等多种语言呈现。

N: That one is my favorite, too. And I’m interested not only in Holmes but also Watson.

N:《巴斯克维尔的猎犬》也是我最喜欢的小说。我不仅对福尔摩斯着迷,而且对华 生也很感兴趣。

S: In the novel, Holmes shared the majority of his professional years with his good friend Watson. Watson Lived with Holmes for some time before he got married in 1887,and again after his wife’s death.

S:在小说里,福尔摩斯职业生涯的大部分时光是和 他的好朋友华生一起度过的。华生在1887年结婚 之前,和福尔摩斯住了一段时间,他妻子去世后,又和福尔摩斯住在一起了。

N: Watson has two roles in Holmes’ life. First, he gives practical assistance in the conduct of HolmesJ cases; second, he is Holmes1 chronicler.

N:华生在福尔摩斯的生活中扮演着两个角色。首先,在福尔摩斯破案的过程中,华生结与了他很多帮 助。其次,他还是福尔摩斯破案的记录者。

S: Yes, most of the Holmes stories are frame narratives, written from Watson’s point of view as summaries of the detective’s most interesting cases.

S:是啊,绝大多数福尔摩斯故事都遵循着相同的叙 事模式,都是借华生之口讲述福尔摩斯精彩的断 案故事。

N: Where did Holmes and Watson live?


S: They lived in London at 221B Baker Street. This real house has been converted into a museum and is the first museum in the world to be dedicated to a fictional character.


N: This museum maybe added to the impression that Sherlock Holmes really existed.


S: Yes, exactly. According to a recent survey, 58% of British people thought that Sherlock Holmes really existed!


N: And given details in two of the adventures, fans thought that Holmes must have been at the University of Cambridge.

N:从关于福尔莫斯的小说中两次探险的细节来看,粉丝们认为福尔摩斯肯定在剑桥 大学念过书。

S: Perhaps Holmes studied biology and anatomy at Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, because that offered the greatest number of advantages to Holmes.

S:福尔摩斯可能在剑桥大学的悉尼苏塞克斯学院学过生物学和解剖学,因为这会 绐福尔摩斯带来很大帮助。

N: The fact is Holmes is the creation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. But Doyle had a love-hate relationship with his most popular creation. He killed Holmes off in a story called “The Final Problem” but the public outcry led him to bring the character back. The fact is Conan Doyle wanted to be respected for his other writing as well.

N:事实上福尔摩斯是阿瑟.柯南道尔爵士虚构出来的角色。但是道尔爵士对这个最 受欢迎的角色爱恨交加。在《最后一案》里,他把福尔摩斯“消灭’掉了,但是 公众的义愤迫使他让福尔摩斯"死而复生"。事实上柯南道尔希望他能够因其他 的作品而受到尊重。

S: By the way, have you watched the movie Sherlock Holmes starring Robert Downey Jr and Jude Law.


