



杨: Do you know who is she?


李: Oh, she is MicheleLee, Hongkong lady in 1988. Normally be called vase although acted in many movies.


杨: She is beautiful, but not the top one I think. Why so many of my staffs like her? I see her pictures are stamped on their desks.


李: It sounds quite strange. Normally people have different choices. Wait! I see, they are complaining that you are not a kind boss.

听起来有点奇怪。通常人们会有各种不同的选择。等等!我明白了,他们在抱怨, 你不是个大方的老板。

杨: How do you know this?


李: You see, the Chinese name of MicheleLee has the same pronunciation of pay raise.


杨: Ha-ha, so cute and smart! Ok, I will consider, a bonus of 50yuan for everybody is enough?

哈哈,太可爱太聪明了!好的, 我会考虑看看,每人50元的奖金够了吗?


杨: Hey, guy, what are you thinking about? You sit here for one hour and doing nothing.

嘿,伙计,你在想什么? 你坐在这儿一个小时了,什么也没干。

李: Well, I met a girl in a party last week, she is so charming and I think I have fallen in love with her. But how can I get her?


杨: Ha-ha, you ask the right people. I am an expert in treating girls. There are as many different ways to get a girl as there are girls, so let's go over some basic rules that'll win over any girl worth getting.


李: Really? Please go ahead.


杨: First ask her out. Invite her to go somewhere or do something with you--make sure it's something that you're both interested in. If you want, show her your world. Bring her somewhere that you feel comfortable and preferably, where you have or do something that you're proud of. Or, express interest in seeing her world. Is she a musician? Ask if you can see her perform. Is she a mathematician? Ask to read her report or thesis. Or, just go out for lunch or a cup of coffee and get to know her better


李: Ok, next?


杨: Then flirt. When you see or meet a girl you like, make brief eye contact. Smile. Strike up a casual conversation. Most importantly, relax. Don't think of her as the girl of your dreams; don't worry about what will happen if you make a bad joke, or you've got something stuck to your teeth. Enjoy interacting with this attractive, friendly girl whose path crossed yours. Live in the moment.


李: How can I get closer?


杨: Well, there are several ways to touch a girl without being sleazy. Hold her coat while she puts it on. Offer her your hand when she's stepping on an uneven surface. Hold out your elbow so she can link arms with you as you walk together. Hold out your hand so you can lead her through a crowd. Rub her hands when they're cold. These are all polite ways to get a little closer without being creepy. Still, if you see any signs of discomfort, stop! Otherwise, she'll probably enjoy the affection.

我们有很多法子能 正大光明毫不猥琐的碰一个女孩。她穿衣服时,为她擎着外套;在她走颠簸路时,伸出你绅士的手;一起走时,为她留一个臂弯,这样她才好挽着你。还有,还有,你能勇敢的牵着她在人群中开路,你能冷天帮她搓手。这些都能让你俩走得更近,却不会惹她生厌。当然了,她要是太扭捏不情愿,你还是住手为妙。如果她表现ok,她可能正得意着你的恭维。

李: Ok, I will call Jane and invite her for some coffee.


杨: Jane? That Jane with sweet smile? Wait! She is mine.



Ann: My paper failed. Oh my god!


Lily: I sympathize with you.


Ann: What can I do?


Lily: You still have some time left, so you can make full use of the time and work out another one.


Ann: Can I?


Lily: Yes, trust me!


Ann: If another paper fails again, I wouldn’t graduate from the school.


Lily: I know, please tell me what’s wrong with your first paper.


Ann: The teacher said that I didn’t do as he said, but I don’t know what he want me to do.


Lily: You should go to your teacher and ask the details first.


