



bob and sue are in the same school, 1 they are in different 2 . they go to school on weekdays. 3 school , bob and sue often play games with 4 friends.

classes begin 5 eight in the morning. now bob and sue are in their classrooms. they are listening to their 6 . bob's studying english. his teacher is talking 7 english. sue's 8 a chinese class. her teacher is talking 9 writing. they study hard. they love their teachers and they like their 10 .

l. a. but b. and c. or d. when

2. a. classes b. class c. lesson d. lessons

3. a. in b. when c. to d. at

4. a. his b. her c. other d. their

5. a. about b. in c. at d. on

6. a. friends b. father c. teacher d. teachers

7. a. with b. at c. in d. for

8. a. having b. listening c. getting d. sitting in

9. a. at b. about c. for d. like

10. a. home b. family c. school d. clothes




3.“在学校”可用at school或in the/a school。容易混淆的是a答案,需要注意的是如果用in,school的前面须加冠词,选d。





8.本题意思是“sue在上汉语课”,have a class表示“上课”,由于前面已有is,故应用have的现在分词,选a。

9.“教师在讲授写作”,表示“谈论”用talk about,答案选b。





it is the _1_ day of a new term. everyone _2_ very happy. they came to school early. _3_ new english teacher is mr hu. he _4_ to his students. "welcome _5_ to school." mr hu _6_ know their names. but he has _7_ on a piece _8_ paper(纸). he wants to call their names. after that, a boy comes in, he is _9_. mr hu asks him to come to school _10_ next time.

( ) 1. a. first b. one c. the first d. 1th

( ) 2. a. are b. be c. is d. look

( ) 3. a. it’s b. his c. their d. our

( ) 4. a. says b. speaks c. doesn’t say d. wants

( ) 5. a. back b. you c. us d. it

( ) 6. a. do b. isn’t c. doesn’t d. /

( ) 7. a. it b. them c. him d. that

( ) 8. a. of b. to c. in d. on

( ) 9. a. early b. tall c. short d. late

( ) 10. a. back b. early c. earlier d. late


1. 由于空前有定冠词,选a

2. everyone作主语,谓语应用单数形式,选c

3. 由上句中they可推知该句应用相应的物主代词their,选c

4. say to sb.“对某人说”选a

5. welcome back to school”欢迎回到学校“,选a

6. 由于主语是第三人称单数,否定句借助动词doesn’t,放于动词know的前面

7. 该空指上句的their names.由于是复数形式,故应用复数代词them,选b

8. 由于paper是不可数名词,一张(纸)应用a piece of (paper)。故选a

9. 老师在点名,而一男孩近来,说明他来晚了,故选d



mr. black 1 england. he works in a middle school. he likes 2 in china a lot. he has two children. they are 3 him in china. and they are in 4 school. what do they like 5 china? they say they like chinese food very much.

1. a. from b. comes from c. come from d. be from

2. a. working b. works c. work d. to working

3. a. and b. of c. at d. with

4. a. same b. a same c. the same d. two same

5. a. about b. with c. / d. of


此短文介绍了布莱克先生以及他们的孩子。第一空格句子意思是“布莱克先生来自英国”。表示“来自”可以用come from和be from。但是随着主语人称的变化,其谓语动词也应改变其形式。mr. black是第三人称单数,如果用come from, 则应为 comes from; 如果用be from 则应用is from. 1. 题答案为b。第二空格句子意思是“他喜欢在中国工作”。like后面的动词应该加上ing。 2题答案为a。第三空格句子意思是“他们和他都在中国”。表示“和某人一起”应用“be with”,故3题答案为d。第四空格句子意思是“他们在同一所学校”。表示“相同:的”,same的前面应该用定冠词the,即the same。4题答案为c。第五空格句子意思是“他们喜欢中国的什么”,应该用what do you like about…?句型,表示喜欢的具体内容,故5题答案为a。


此题考查学生综合阅读能力。既要读懂全文,又要运用正确的词去补全短文。解题的关键是注意空格前后的词语,看上下文的句意以及主语的单复数、人称和动词的习惯用法。学生易错的是第3空格,将and与with互相混淆。and是连词,表示并列;而with是介词,常与其它动词一起构成谓语动词,如play with…(玩耍),talk with(与…交谈),be with sb(和某人一起)…等等。

