名词解释: 所谓软福利就是能够进一步调节工作与生活之间关系的各种便利。是指雇主对员工提供的非金钱性质的工作报酬补偿。如在公司内部提供理发和修鞋等杂项服务,以及免费提供早餐、旅游休假以及很多资深员工都会享受到公司配车作为他们工作报酬的一部分。
求职面试的时候,我们经常会谈到benefits package(福利包),也就是该公司能够为员工提供的各项福利待遇,大部分可能都体现在金钱方面。其实,很多公司虽然工资待遇不是很高,但是提供的soft benefit(软福利)却相当吸引人。

Soft benefit is a type of non-monetary compensation offered by employers to members of their staff for performing their jobs. Many senior employees are offered a valuable soft benefit or perk like a company car instead of money as part of their overall remuneration.
Soft benefit(软福利)指雇主对员工提供的非金钱性质的工作报酬补偿。比如,很多资深员工都会享受到公司配车等高价值软福利作为他们工作报酬的一部分。
In tight labor market, companies are adding 'soft' benefits, such as free trips or child-care services, so they can hold on to the talent they have.