




一. 单项选择(从A、B、C、D中选择正确答案) 15’

( )1. ---My mother was ill and I had to look after her at home.


A. It doesn’t matter. B. Don’t worry C. I don’t think so. D. I’m sorry to hear that.

( )2.---What delicious cakes!

---Yes, and they would taste ________ with butter(黄油).

A. good B. better C. well D. badly

( )3.My father was _______ about the _ _______ news.

A. exciting; exciting B. excited; excited

C. exciting; excited D. excited; exciting

( ) 4. -----___________? -----She is short with fair hair.

A. What does Sally like B. What is Sally look like

C. What does Sally look like D. What is Sally looking

( )5.The girl looks as ____ as a film star.

A. lovely B. beautifully C. carefully D. swiftly

( ) 6.-----______ you ___ your homework yet ?

-----Yes. I _____ it a moment ago.

A. Did, do; finished B. Have, done; finished

C. Have, done; have finished D. will, do; finish

( ) 7. Her father ______in1990 and her husband ______for more than five years.

A. died, dead B. has died, dead

C.died, has been dead D. has died, has died

( )8.We came to Nanjing three years ago, so we ________ here for three years.

A. have been to B. have been in C. have been D. have gone

( ) 9.----Jack, is your mother in?

----Sorry, she ___________ Shanghai on business.

A. has been in B. has gone to C. has gone in D. has been to

( )10.You can improve your English _________ practicing more.

A. by B. with C.of D. in

( )11.My home is far from school. That’s _______ I go there by bus.

A. what B. how C. when D. why

( )12.This movie wasn’t _________. He fell asleep half way through it.

A. interesting enough B. enough interesting

C. interested enough D. enough interested

( )13.He’s never been to the Great Wall, __________?

A. is he B. was he C. wasn’t he D. has he

( )14. He has many books on the desk, but _______ of them is on English.

A. none B. neither C. all D. both

( )15. The weather in Bejing is different from _______in Guangzhou.

A. it B. one C. that D. those

二.完形填空 10’

Do you hope to move to another city or a foreign country? It may be interesting. But how about moving to ___1__planet? A US company now has a plan: sending people to Mars__2__

20 years.

To begin with, the company plans to send__3__people to go to Mars first. It will__4_them several months to get there. When they arrive, they will build a __5__first.

But Mars is not an easy place to__6__.It is rocky,cold and has lots of sandstorms(沙尘暴). Also, there is __7__air for breath. So people would have to live in a special house. They would have to__8__special clothes if they go out.

People will have to find __9___resources(资源),iron, water and so on . All these could

help people live there....

Sounds interesting? You might want to go to Mars now. ___10__will things go well as the company hopes? We’ll wait and see.

( )1. A. the other B. another C. one more D. other

( )2. A. at B. o n C. in D. to

( )3. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little

( )4. A. take B. cost C. spend D. pay

( )5. A. car B. garden C. house D. bus stop

( )6. A. dream of B. stay in C. climb up D. liv e on

( )7. A. no B. some C. many D. much

( )8. A. put on B. wear C. wear out D. dress up

( )9. A. alone B. useful C. latest D. deep

( )10. A. Because B. When C. But D. So

三. 阅读理解 30’


There are many different places to eat in Switzerland. There are some fast-food restaurants, self-service restaurants and family restaurants. There also are some nice and expensive restaurants. Choosing where to eat is an “experience”.

Food is more expensive in Switzerland than in most of other countries in Europe. It is much more expensive than in the USA. In Switzerland if you go to a fast-food restaurant, you may easily spend up to 10 CHF (瑞士法郎) for a hamburger, a soft drink and a cup of coffee. In a family restaurant, a meal usually costs you between 15CHF and 50 CHF. Self-service restaurants are less expensive. At a nice restaurant, one person can pay as much as 1,000 CHF just for a bottle of wine.

In Switzerland a usual dinner always has all kinds of noodles, vegetables, meat, fish and seafood. Potatoes are used in many different ways. Vegetarian meals (素食饭菜) are also popular now. This means that salads are very popular. The most important part of a dinner is the dessert. Cheese, cakes and cookies are the most popular desserts.

( )1. This passage tells us about different places to eat in .

A. Switzerland B. the USA C. the world D. Europe

( )2. What does the underlined word “self-service” mean in Chinese?

A. 服务 B. 自助 C. 优质服务 D. 无人售货

( )3. How is the food in Switzerland according to the second paragraph?

A. It tastes very good in Europe.

B. It is much cheaper in Europe.

C. It is almost the most expensive in Europe.

D. It has the most kinds of food in Europe.

( )4. Which is the most expensive restaurant in Switzerland?

A. A fast-food restaurant. B. A family restaurant.

C. A self-service restaurant. D. A nice restaurant.

( )5. What is the most important part of a Switzerland dinner?

A The salad. B. Vegetables. C. The meat. D. The dessert.


It’s true that every country has its custom.

We all know that in America if people are pleased with you,they will give you a sign “OK”. But maybe you don‘t know this sign is co nsidered to be rude in Brazil.

In Poland, guests usually choose flowers as presents for hostesses(女主人). Remember the number must be an odd(奇数)one. And the hostess doesn’t hope that you remove the cover of the bunch(束)of flowers. You must be more careful when you give red roses to a woman because the red rose means love.

In China we often hear people say that “nodding” means agreement(同意)。 And “shaking the head” means disagreement. But in Bulgaria they mean the opposite.

We really need to pay more attention to the differences in customs. What‘s more, we should learn more about them in order to avoid embarrassment (尴尬)。 Do remember: when in Rome, do as the Romans do.

( )6. The sign “OK” is different between ____.

A. America and China B. America and Brazil

C. Brazil and Poland D. America and Bulgaria

( ) 7. In Poland,when a man sends some red roses to a woman as presents,it means ______.

A. he will invite her to a dinner party B. he will invite her to sing and dance

C. he has fallen in love with her D. he will surely marry her

( )8. In Bulgaria, if a person shakes his head,that means he ____.

A. doesn’t want to talk w ith you B. agrees with you

C. disagrees with you D. doesn’t like you

( )9. The sentence “When in Rome,do as the Romans do.” means that ______.

A. we do what the Romans do B. we should do after the Romans

C. we must learn from the Romans

D. we must observe(遵守)its customs when we are in a foreign country

( )10. The main idea of this passage is ____.

A. different countries, different customs B. different countries, the same customs

C. learning from the Romans D. doing what the Romans do


Health is very important for us. In order to stay healthy, we need to know some common knowledge.

Firstly, pay attention to the diet. We should eat lots of fruit and vegetables, because they are rich in fiber (维生素)and low in fat(脂肪). As a proverb says, “ An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” So fruit is good for health. Don’t have a lot of food that contains __ ___①____ fat, such as butter. Meanwhile(同时), sweets should be eaten in proper quantity, because too much sugar ②does harm to us. Don’t drink too much coffee, either.

Secondly, exercise is necessary. ③Regular exercise can help keep us from getting fat. People who do running every day usually have stronger hearts than those who don’t.

Finally, form(养成) good living habits. We should sleep for about 8 hours at night, and never work too hard. Too much work and little sleep will lead to illness. What’s more, stay away from cigarettes.

These are the things we should pay attention to so as to stay healthy.

11. How many ways to stay healthy does the writer mention?


12. 选择适合的短语填入①处。______________

A. much too B. too much C. too many D. many too

13. 写出划线②处的同义词短语:_____________________

14. 将③处句子翻译成汉语。


15. The best title of the passage is “_____________________________________________”.

四. 词汇知识10’

A. 根据所给音标完成下列单词

1. ['saʊə(r)]__________2.['nə:vəs]_________3.[ə'fɔ:d]_________4.['eɪnʃənt]___________

5. [ɪn'vaɪrənmənt]________________6. [ˈleɪtɪst]_____________7. [ˈæktɪv]____________

8. [sɪns]___________9. [ˈɔ:fl]___________10. [kɒf]____________

B. 根据汉语提示用单词的适当形式填空

1. I’m so nervous because there are so many ________________(陌生人) in the room.

2. Have you ever _______________(梦想) of flying into space one day.

3. Now, I can speak English, ______________(德语) and Chinese.

4. It’s ________________(不可能的) to imagine how large the universe is.

5. I often eat fast food, so I have got a ________________(肚子疼)。

6. I am so weak that the doctor told me to ______________(锻炼) more.

7. Sorry, I’m late because my mother’s _________________________(病)。

8. Have you ____________(测量) your son’s temperature?

9. The meat _____________(闻起来) a little sour.

10. Lingling, thanks for ___________ (邀请) me to your birthday party.

五. 用所给动词的适当形式填空11’

1. So far, the little girl ________________(learn) 2,000 English words.

2. I don’t know how __________________(make) a model spaceship.

3. The soft bed makes me __________(feel) comfortable.

4. Many parents find it difficult __________(talk) with their teenage children.

5. -----________ you _________(do) your homework yet ?

-----Yes. I ____________(finish) it a moment ago.

6. I ______________(read) this book twice. It’s very interesting.

7. Mr. Smith ___________(work) in this factory since he ______( come) to China.

8. Most of the students have finished _______ (do) their English homework.

9. I’ve caught a bad cold and I don’t feel like ___________(eat).

六. 课文知识运用16’


1. 因----而自豪_______ ____________2. 获得一等奖___________________



B. 根据提示词组,把下列句子译成英语

1. 我太虚弱了而无法做一些运动。(too---to---)


2. 这就是它上新闻的原因。(that’s why-----)


3. 他离开北京已经三年了。(for three years)

______________________ __________________________________________________

4. 他们去过很多有趣的地方。(be to)

_________________________________________________________ _______________

5. 它们当中没有一个有着和地球一样的环境。(none of)




一.1---5 D B D CA 6-----10 BCCBA 11---15 DADAA

二.1 —5 BCBAC 6----10 DABBC

三.1—5 ABCDD 6—10 BCBDA


12. B

13. be harmful to


15. How to stay healthy.

五.1. has learnt 2. to make 3. feel 4. to talk 5. Have, done; finished

6. have read 7. has worked , came 8.doing 9.eating

