



It is summer in the countryside. Fields are full of golden corn and

green plants. The air is warm and the birds are singing.

A mother duck is sitting on her seven eggs. She has done this for many days. Now she is feeling tired.

Soon, her eggs start hatching. Six little ducklings come out of their shells. Their coats are yellow, and they are full of energy.

One egg hasn't hatched yet. It is bigger than the others. An old duck visits the mother duck.

The strange egg finally hatches. The duckling jumps free from his shell. He has a gray coat, not yellow. His neck is long and his nose is black.

The mother duck walks to the pond. The ducklings follow her. She jumps into the water. The ducklings quickly jump in, too. They can all swim well.


The mother duck shows her ducklings their home. They live on a farm with ducks and other animals. The little ducklings look around curiously.

The other ducks are eating dinner. A girl throws a fish head into the group. They all want to eat it. One duck quickly eats the fish head. The other ducks are jealous.

The ducks look at the mother duck and her ducklings. They are not happy to see them.

The ugly duckling drops his head. He feels ashamed. The mother duck pats him on the head.

Many weeks go by. The other animals are not nice. The rooster chases and bites him. The chickens tease him. The farm girl also kicks him at dinnertime.

The ugly duckling feels lonely. One day, he runs away from the farm.

He finds some ducks who live on a small lake.

The little duckling is hurt. He swims away. There are some geese nearby. They look kind. He swims over to them.

Just then, a loud sound comes from the side of the lake.

The duckling walks away from the lake. Soon, a storm comes. The wind blows very hard. There is rain and lightning. It is not easy to walk in this weather.

The duckling sees a small house. It is old and dirty. There are many holes in its walls. He goes inside. An old woman, a hen, and a cat live there.

The old woman looks at the duckling. Her eyes are not good.

She puts the duckling into a cage. Then, she gives him something to eat.

The duckling can't lay eggs. Instead, he eats a lot of food every day. After three weeks, he is growing fat.

Now, the duckling is too scared to eat. He doesn't want to get fat. People like to eat fat ducks.

The hen can't believe her ears. She has never seen a bird swim.

The old woman takes a nap every afternoon. The duckling waits for her to fall asleep. His cage's door is open. He quietly walks past the woman and leaves the house.

Outside, the duckling feels very cold. Autumn is here. There are leaves on the ground all around him. He looks up into the sky. There are many large, white birds flying away. They are swans.


The duckling looks for food. It is not easy to find any. Soon, there is snow in the air. Winter is coming. The rivers and lakes are very cold. The weather gets colder and colder. There is ice on top of the river. The duckling is tired and very hungry. He lies down beside the water. He is almost dead.

A farmer is walking beside the river. He sees the duckling. He picks him up and takes him home. His children are very happy. They feed the duckling and take care of him.

The duckling spends the winter at the farmer's house. The children feed him every day. The duckling gets stronger and larger. One day, in the springtime, the farmer looks at the duckling.

The farmer takes the duckling to a pond behind his house. The duckling is happy to see the water. He jumps into the water and swims joyfully around.

The duckling hears a sound. He looks up. The swans are returning. They fly into the water beside him. The duckling is happy and surprised. He wants to meet these beautiful birds.

The duckling looks into the water. It is true. He can see himself. He is a beautiful white swan! Some children are standing near the pond. They have come to see the swans.





这颗奇怪的蛋终于孵化了。小鸭子挣脱蛋壳蹦了出来。他一身是灰色而不是黄色。他的脖子长长的,鼻子则是黑色的。“好丑的小鸭,”母鸭心想。“也许他还真的是只火鸡。” 母鸭走到池塘边。小鸭子们在她后面跟着。她跳到水中。小鸭子们也很快地跳入水中。他们都很会游泳。“丑小鸭游得真好,”母鸭心想。“原来他还真的是只鸭子。”





几个星期过去了。别的动物并不友善。公鸡会追他、咬他。鸡群会戏弄他。晚餐时间,农场上的那个女孩子也会踹他。“你没希望了,”母鸭说。“我真希望你不要生下来就好了!” 丑小鸭心中好寂寞。有一天,他从农场逃了出来。他发现有几只鸭子,他们就住在一座小湖上。“你长相好奇怪哟,”这几只鸭子说。“你是什么动物呀?”“我是鸭子,”丑小鸭说。“你长得不像我们。请走开,”这几只鸭子说。











