



Pumpkin Cart of Seven Mice

Early autumn in the pumpkin garden, there came seven wide mice escaping from a big and terrifying cat. They rushed into green vines and leaves aplenty with big and round pumpkins.

The prideful cat hunted around like a chicken with its head cut off in vain and finally left in dismay.

"Hooray, we are safe now!"

When they came out, they were deeply attracted. The giant pumpkin leaves were as huge as the lotus leaves while the pumpkins were orange through a summer's sunlight.

The smallest mouse's nose jutted out and got very close to a pumpkin. He smelled with a smile: "Great, it's sweat! It must be the biggest pumpkin I've ever seen. I am hungry now. I guess it must be better in my belly!"

Other six mice were hungry to "Running costs energy!"

They rushed to the pumpkin and bit holes with their shape teeth. They ate, ate and ate not only the delicious meat but also the seed. Finally they stopped eating and felt good for their full and round bellies.

Then they burped and climbed out of the pumpkin. When they saw their great work, they all laughed: "Aha, look, the pumpkin has holes here and there!"

The smallest mouse suddenly had a good idea and shouted: "Why not roll it as a pumpkin cart. It must be very interesting!"

Other six mice all agreed:"Just do it!"

Then they all entered the pumpkin shell and pushed it ahead forcefully: "One, two, three, go!"

Just at that time, the cat unwilling to give up returned back.

When he saw such giant pumpkin rolled at him with bright eyes shining in holes and heard the deafening song, he screamed: "Ghost is coming!"

The cat ran away in fear and never came back.

All the mice cheered up and sang:

"Pumpkin cart, pumpkin cart,

Orange and beautiful,

We are your great driver.

Pumpkin cart, pumpkin cart,

Giant and brave,

You can defeat the evil.

Pumpkin cart, pumpkin cart,

Belong to seven mice…"


Ants were once men and made their living by tilling the soil. But, not content with the results of their own work, they were always eating longing eyes upon the crops and fruits of their neighbours, which they stole, whenever they got the chance, and added to their own store. At last their covetousness made Jupiter so angry that he changed them into ants. But, though their forms were changed, their nature remained the same: and so, to this day, they go about among the cornfields and gather the fruits of others' labour, and store them up for their own use.

You may punish a thief, but his bent remains.


A lion on a lamb had settled down to sup. A mongrel pup about the royal board allowed to wander. Snatched almost from his claws a piece of meat down wander.

The king of beasts looked on, not minding in the least, for puppy was a young and foolish beast. Observing this, the wolf began to ponder, "This lion seems so meek, he must be very weak!"

He too put out a paw, some dainty snack to seek. But woe befell the sinner. He went to swell the lion's dinner.

"My friend," said Lion, as he calmly tore him up. "You saw me spare the dog, it's true. But so indulgent I should hardly be with you. He's young and stupid still, but you are not a pup."


A crab once left the sea-shore and went and settled in a meadow some way inland, which looked very nice and green and seemed likely to be a good place to feed in. But a hungry fox came along and spied the crab and caught him.

Just as he was going to be eaten up, the crab said, "This is just what I deserve, for I had no business to leave my natural home by the sea and settle here as though I belonged to the land."

