



1. be at the end到尽头,达限度

2. be at war处于交战状态

3. be attached to附属于;喜爱;爱慕

4. be attentive to对…关怀

5. be available for有效

6. be aware of知道,意识到,认识到

7. be beneficial to有利于,有益于

8. be better off境况富裕;更富有

9. be blind to不了解,对…是盲目的

10. be bound for准备到…去;开往

11. be bound to一定会…,必然…

12. be bound up in热心于;忙于

13. be bound up with与…有密切关系

14. be burned to a crisp烧脆

15. be busy with忙于…

16. be capable of有做出(某事)倾向的

17. be careful of当心…对…仔细

18. be careful with照顾;对…过细地

19. be caught up in对…特别感兴趣

20. be cautious of留心…,谨防…

21. be certain of确信,肯定

22. be certain to do sth一定做…

23. be charitable to对…慈善

24. be civil to对…有礼貌,对…谦恭

25. be clear about对…明白,对…明确


1. be comparable to比得上…

2. be comparable with与…可比较的

3. be composed of由…组成

4. be concerned with关心,挂念;从事于

5. be considerate of体谅…,替…着想

6. be detached from把…从…上卸下

7. be disagreeable to不合…意;对…发脾气

8. be disgusted with讨厌…,厌恶…

9. be eager for sth.渴求某事物

10. be envious of羡慕(或忌妒)

11. be equal to等于,相当于

12. be essential to对…不可缺少

13. be familiar to为…所熟悉

14. be familiar with对…熟悉

15. be favourable to赞成…

16. be fed up with对…感到厌烦,腻了

17. be fed up吃得过饱;对…极厌倦

18. be fond of爱好

19. be friends with与…交友(友好)

20. be full of充满

21. be generous in乐于…

22. be generous with用…很大方

23. be good at善于,擅长于

24. be good to对…好;对…很慈善

25. be hard on sb.过于严厉对待某人


1. be hard up for money缺钱,手头紧

2. be hard up短缺,在急需中

3. be ignorant of对…不知道(了解)

4. be in drink喝醉了

5. be in fashion(人、物)合于时尚

6. be in for参加(竞赛、考试等)

7. be in love with跟…恋爱

8. be in sympathy with赞同,同情

9. be in the habit of有…习惯(或脾气)

10. be in the wrong错,理亏

11. be inferior to(质量等)比…差

12. be jealous of嫉妒…

13. be keen about喜爱,对…着迷

14. be keen on喜爱,爱好;渴望

15. be keen on喜爱;渴望

16. be known as以…知名;被认为是

17. be known for因…而众所周知

18. be known to为…所知

19. be located in位于…,坐落在…

20. be lost on对…不起作用

21. be loyal to忠于

22. be married to sb.和…结婚

23. be noted as以…而闻名

24. be occupied in忙于…,正从事…

25. be off one's head神经错乱,神志不清

