




<形>straight ; stiff ; erect ; vertical

<动>(挺直; 使笔直) straighten ; stretch

<名>vertical stroke ; a surname

<副>directly ; straight ; (一个劲儿; 不断地) continuously ; just

网 络straight;direct;straighten;vertical她对自己的恐惧直言不讳。


She spoke about her fears with complete frankness.


I'm not surprised at her frankness.



The northern face of the mountain is almost vertical.


She held her head erect and her back straight.


I think it would be a kindness to tell him the bad news straight away.


The value of force of straighter decides its ability and is one of important energies.


I kept my arm straight all the time.


I waited patiently until he stared directly at me.


A straight line is drawn directly from one point to another as an extended point.

1. Mack seemed to uncoil slowly up into a standing position. 麦克慢慢直 起身站了起来。

2. It tickled the hairs on the back of my neck. 它挠得我后脖梗儿的绒毛直 痒痒。

3. She looked him full in the face as she spoke. 她说话的时候直 盯着他的脸。

4. The taste of blood in her throat made her want to vomit. 她嗓子里的血腥味让她直 恶心。

5. His teeth clicked as he snapped at my ankle. 它猛地朝我的脚脖子咬下去,牙齿还咔咔直 响。

6. My heart was hammering. The footsteps had stopped outside my door. 我的心怦怦直 跳。脚步声已停在我的门外。

7. There wasn't room to stand up and he had to bend double. 空间太小无法站直 ,他不得不弓着身子。

8. Stand straight and stretch the left hand to the right foot. 站直 身体,伸左手够右脚.

9. They laugh so hard they double up with laughter. 他们捧腹大笑,直 不起身来。

10. The American served three aces in the opening game of the set. 这位美国选手在该盘首局有三次发球直 得。

11. He greets customers by name and enquires about their health. 他跟顾客打招呼时直 呼其名,并问他们身体可好。

12. Lysenko gave a deep rumbling laugh at his own joke. 李森科说笑话的时候自己咯咯直 乐。

13. Her bracelets were going clack-clack-clack, she was shaking so hard. 她的手镯哗啦哗啦直 响,她抖得厉害。

14. The car wheels spun and slipped on some oil on the road. 路面上有些油,汽车车轮经过时直 打滑。

15. Mr Black went for the jugular, asking intimate sexual questions. 布莱克先生直 攻要害,问起了性方面的隐私问题。

16. You can fly direct to Amsterdam from most British airports. 从英国的大多数机场都可以直 飞阿姆斯特丹。

17. This sound, like all music, pierced my heart like a dagger. 这种声音像所有的音乐一样,如短剑般直 刺我心。

18. Go straight through that door under the EXIT sign. 从“安全出口”标志下的那道门直 穿过去。

19. But he then went on to refer very directly to the argument. 不过接下来他就直 切主题提到了那场争论。

20. He was sitting on an upright chair beside his bed, reading. 他正坐在床前一张直 背椅上看书。

