

下面是小编整理的金融英语入门词汇, 希望对大家有帮助。

What Is Finance什么是金融

Finance means the circulation of funds. It includes all economic operations directly related to the currency, the credit, and the circulation of money, for example, the issuance and withdrawal of currency, collecting deposits and granting loans, buying and selling of gold and silver, foreign exchange, and negotiable securities. Besides, the businesses of insurance, trust and investment, payments of the balance of the domestic and international trade are also within the scope of finance.


The most important financial institutions are the banks, the stock exchange, the trust and investment companies and the insurance corporations. 银行、股票交易所、信托投资公司、保险公司等是最重要的金融机构。

New wordsz单词

finance n.财政;金融 ,融资 circulation n.流通;货币发行 fund n.基金;资金

economic adj.经济(上)的, 经济学的 directly adv.直接地, 立即

relate vt.使联系, 发生关系 currency n.通货;金融;货币 credit n.信用;信贷

issuance n.发行;颁布 withdrawal n.收回;提款 deposit n.存款;存储

grant vt.同意,准予;转让 loan n.借出物;贷款

exchange n.交换;交易所

negotiable adj.(票据,证券等)可转让的;可流通的

security n.(pl)(复数)证券;债券 business n.业务

insurance n.保险;保险额 trust n.信托;委托 investment n.投资

payment n.支付;付款 balance n.差额;结余

domestic adj.国内产的;本国的 scope n.范围;领域

financial adj.财务的;金融的 institution n.机构 stock n.股票

corporation n.公司;股份有限公司 Phrases and expressions短语与词组

directly related to和...直接有关

negotiable securities可转让或流通的证券 within the scope of 在...范围之内 stock exchange证券交易所

trust and investment company信托投资公司 insurance corporation保险公司

### Notes:

1.It includes all economic operations directly related to the currency, the credit, and the circulation of money...

此句中的(directly) related to„为后置定语,修饰前面的all economic operations。

2.the issuance and withdrawal of currency,collecting deposits and granting loans,buying and selling of gold and

silver,foreign exchange,and negotiable securities是举例说明,作the currency,the credit, and the circulatiion of money的同位语。

3.payments of the balance of domestic and international trade.国内贸易和国际贸易余额的支付。

A Definition of Money货币的定义

Money is a word common to all the basic functions of bank. Money can be defined as anything which passes from hand to hand and is generally acceptable in the

settlement of a debt. Although most countries now use a system of bank notes and coins, many different commodities have been used as money by people in various parts of the world and at various times in history.

Beads, stones, seashells, paper, precious metals such as gold and silver, base metals such as iron have all been used. All of those, at the time of their use as money,

passed freely from hand to hand and were generally acceptable in the settlement of a debt.


We are all pleased to receive money as a birthday present and expect to be paid a sum of money at the end of a week’s or a month’s work. This is not because we like the picture on the bank notes or the color of coins. Money by itself gives us no benefit -- only by spending it can we obtain the thing we want. Without some form of money in circulation, the range of goods and services available to us would be considerably reduced and business transactions would be difficult to carry on.



New Words单词

definition n.定义,解说 common a.公共的,共有的

acceptable a.可接受的 settlement n.清算,结账 debt n.债;债务;欠款

commodity n.日用品,商品 precious a.宝贵的,珍贵的 base a.劣等的,低级的

bead n.(有孔可穿于线上的)小珠子 benefit n.利益,好处

obtain vt.获得,得到 circulation n.流通,传播 range n.区域,范围

available a.有效的,可用的 considerably a.相当大的 reduce vt.减少,减小

transaction n. (一笔)交易

Phrases & Expressions短语与词组

common to对„共同,为„所共有(用) from hand to hand传递,转手

a base metal(non-precious metal)贱金属 as well同样,也

at the time of在„的时候 by oneself独自的,单独的

in circulation在传播中,在流通中 carry on进行


1. Money is a word common to all the basic functions of the bank.

(1)money n. pl. mon.eys; or monies: ①a commodity, such as gold, or an officially issued coin or paper note that is legally established as an exchangeable equivalent of all other commodities, such as goods and services, and is used as a measure of their comparative values on the market.


②The official currency, coins, and negotiable paper notes issued by a government. 通货由政府发行的官方货币、铸币和可转让纸币

(2)function n. ①the action for which one is particularly fitted or employed.


②assigned duty or activity. 职务,职责分派的职责或指定的活动

(3)common to all the basic functions of the bank: 此句是由形容词common to(对„共同,为„所共用) 引导的形容词短语,这类短语在修饰名词时通常后置。

2. Money can be defined as anything which passes freely from hand to hand and is generally acceptable in the settlement of a debt.

(1)define v.tr. to state the precise meaning of (a word or sense of a word, for example).给„下定义给(例如,单词或词义)下精确的定义

