


简单的3篇英文寓言故事1:The impostor

A certain man fell ill, and, being in a very bad way, he made a vow that he would sacrifice a hundred oxen to the gods if they would grant him a return to health.

Wishing to see how he would keep his vow, they caused him to recover in a shout time.

Now he hadn't an ox in the world, so he made a hundred little oxen out of tallow and offered them up on an altar, at the same time saying, "Ye gods, I call you to witness that I have discharged my vow."

The godsdetermined to be even with him, so they sent him a dream, in which he was bidden to go to the seashore and fetch a hundred crowns which he was to find there. Hastening in great excitement to the shore, he fell in with a band of robbers, who seized him and carried him off to sell as a slave: and when they sold him a hundred crowns was the sum he fetched.

Do not promise more than you can perform.

简单的3篇英文寓言故事2:The stag and lion

A stag was chased by the hounds, and took refuge in a cave, where he hoped to be safe from his pursuers.

Unfortunately the cave contained a lion, to whom he fell an easy prey.

"Unhappy that I am," he cried, "I am saved from the power of the dogs only to fall into the clutches of a lion."

Out of the frying-pan into the fire.

简单的3篇英文寓言故事3:The lion, the fox and the ass

A lion, a fox, and an ass went out hunting together, They had soon taken a large booty, which the Lion requested the Ass to divide between them.

The Ass divided it all into three equal parts, and modestly begged the others to take their choice, at which the lion, bursting with fury, sprang upon the ass and tore him to pieces.

Then glaring at the fox, he hade him make a fresh division.

The fox gathered almost the whole in one great heap for the lion's share, leaving only the smallest possible morsel for himself. "My dear friend," said the lion, "how did you get theknack of it so well?" The Fox replied, "Me? Oh, I took a lesson from the ass."

Happy is he who learns from the misfortunes of others.

