



1. per cubic metre 每立方米

2. perform a dance 表演舞蹈

3. personal affairs 私人事件

4. persuade sb. to do sth. 说服某人做某事

5. pick out 挑出来

6. pick up 拾起来,接收(广播),开车接某人

7. piles of 一堆一堆的

8. place an order 订购(货物)

9. place of interest 名胜

10. play a joke on sb. 捉弄„

11. play a trick on 开玩笑,恶作剧

12. play an important part/role in sth. 扮演着重要的角色,起着重要的作用

13. play football 踢足球

14. play on words 双关语,俏皮话

15. play the piano 弹钢琴

16. play the role of 扮演„的角色,起着„的作用

17. play tricks on 开玩笑,恶作剧

18. play with 同„一起玩

19. play with fire 玩火,冒大风险

20. plenty of 大量的

21. point at 指着

22. point out 指出

23. point to 指向

24. pop music/star 流行音乐/歌星

25. post office 邮局


1. prefer +n./doing „to +n./doing„比起 „更愿做

2. prefer to do sth. 情愿做„

3. prefer to do„rather than do„比起 „更愿做„

4. prepare sb. for sth. 使某人为 „作好准备

5. press against/on 挤,压,按

6. pretend to do/be 装作

7. prevent sb. (from ) doing sth. 防止某人做某事

8. primary school 小学

9. protect against 防范

10. provide sb. with sth. 给某人提供

11. provide sth. for sb. 给某人提供

12. publishing house 出版社

13. pull on 穿上,戴上

14. push on 推进,努力前进

15. push over 推倒

16. push„aside 把„推到一边

17. put away 放到一边,收起来

18. put down 放下

19. put into 把„转换成

20. put off 推迟

21. put on 穿上,上演

22. put on performances 表演节目

23. put on weight 增肥

24. put one's heart into 全神贯注于„之中

25. put out 扑灭


1. out of doors 在户外

2. out of hand 即时,即刻

3. out of one’s reach / out of the reach of 够不着

4. out of place 不适当;不在合适位置

5. out of question 没问题

6. out of repair 失修

7. out of sight 在视野以外,看不见

8. out of the question 不可能

9. out of work 失业

10. over again 再一次

11. over and over again 反复不断地;再三地

12. over there 在那边

13. owe sb. sth. / owe sth. to sb. 欠债

14. owe sth. to sb. / sth. 把„„归功于„„

15. paas by 经过

16. pass down/on from generation to generation

17. pass further laws 又通过了一些法律

18. pass through 通过,经过

19. pay (one’s) attention to 注意

20. pay a visit to 拜访,游览

21. pay back 偿还

22. pay for 付钱

23. pay off the debts 还清债务

24. pay sb. a visit 拜访某人

25. pay the bill 付帐 一代一代传下去

