

Greg Plitt,格雷格 普利特,全球第一健身模特。拍摄超过100本健身杂志和25本言情小说封面,在过去七年内超越了世界上任何一个人。以下是小编分享的GregPlitt励志演讲稿,一起来和小编看看吧。

Greg Plitt励志演讲

You don’t burn out mentally, because you’ll always burn out physically. The differential somebody winning and losing has nothing to do with the genetics, has nothing to do with the potential. You are gonna fell the sourness you never felt before. it suppose to be that way, It means you are using muscle you haven’t used before, your body is waking up. Sharpen your arsenal for perfection in what you can be. But if you didn’t know that, mentally you didn’t prepare for that. You think something is wrong, maybe it is time to stop, those are the times you need to move free and further. And even though you go to the gym and put your time in there. You check your Gym box. ‘Yeah, I went to the gym man, all good.’ You come back around you go to the mirror now. I am not seeing anything, I am not seeing anything, I am not seeing anything changes at all. No! Well you haven’t push yourself for your body have a reason to change. If I give a valiant effort to something, day in and day out, I saw no change, I quite quit too.

When you embark this journey, you must know: That it is gonna go down before it comes up, and when it comes up, it is gonna go so much higher than you have ever been.

Sacrificing today for tomorrow. I couldn’t hold myself up. Hitting the pavement. I am OK with that cause tomorrow I will get back up , and do it again. I am gonna tried to beat my last performance. In life, It’s not the genetic guy who wins or the guy who has the most potential to win, is the person with great perseverance. Always wants to get up and go at it again! Go at it again! That’s the guy who has his hands raised later in life. That’s the guy you guy need to be.

Record everything. What you eat, your training habits, how you feel. You take a picture of yourself on day one and put it on the mirror. That’s who I will never be again. That’s day one. Say good bey him. Behind back the picture you write down your weight, your height, all your information, your body fat, tape tape around your arms, your waist, your thigh. Record where you have been. When the struggle gets hard, you felt that you are not going anywhere. Go back to the day one and remeasure it FXX, you will find your effort is paid off.

It’s not an easy path.

Ninety days out man I gotta run a marathon. Ninety days out I am gonna enter bodybuilding contest. Ninety days out I gotta family reunion, high school reunion. I want to look my best. Ninety days to become that person I wanna be. To turn the dream to the reality I got ninety days. Today is one ninetieth of that opportunity. You guys gonna find fear, that fear will either create you or destroy you. I love fear. Reason why? Behind every fear is the person you want to be. Fear is self-impose. Meaning it doesn’t exist. You created it you can destroy it too, It’s intangible. And you face your fears guys, you will realize is not that big. And Once you face it, you are gonna ‘oh my god’ man, all this time I have been running from. You know it is so small. When If I just stay still ‘oh my god’, not only did I face it and I beat it back. Energy never lost transferred. That negative energy, That fear, is destroyed and comes back with confidence. What else am I, what else an I capable of? What else holding my back from? That I am capable of more. What am I running from that I don’t need to? What else can I overcome? You go after and you give it all you have. If you lost it, at least you tried, man. I failed is ten times more a man than someone who said what if. Cause what if never run to the arena.








Greg Plitt个人经历

Greg Plitt在高中得过3次189磅级马里兰州全美少年摔跤冠军,并且所有课程全A毕业,保送美国西点军校。并于2000年5月毕业于美国西点军校,之后被任命在美国陆军当上尉,并且成为了一名空降游骑兵,以及180人的前任连长,于2005年退役。之后热爱运动的他接近全能,熟练骑马,足球,拳击,排球,棒球,水上运动,攀岩运动,特技,还是一名认证的潜水员。日后他成了一名家具制造商,一名吉他手,并且拥有园林绿化企业,而且得过高尔夫俱乐部赛冠军,动于一体,4个障碍。

Greg Plitt个人信息

在过 去四年里(Greg Plitt的网站上这么说,但没说是哪年),Greg Plitt 已经为超过100本健身杂志和25本浪漫小说做封面。他是无可争议的全美第一健身男模,在过去四年半时间内平均每月至少上一本杂志封面。Greg赢得了2009年电视明星身材奖(Star Physique Award)最佳男性身材称号。男性健身(Men's Fitness)杂志把他列为全美前25体育人(同榜单的还有兰斯阿姆斯特朗等传奇人物)。DNA杂志称赞他为全球当下前60最性感男人,一同入选的还有新任邦德Daniel Craig,而多家电视台播放的节目EXTRA提名他为全美最佳单身汉之一。Greg是法国高级时装蒂埃里·穆勒公司全球天使男人和冰人两款男士香水广告宣传脸孔,同时还是美瑞克斯工程营养、安德玛、黄金健身馆的赞助运动员。Greg已为Old Spice(男士香氛 沐浴品牌)、道奇公羊卡车、ESPN、安德玛、美瑞克斯和PETA(善待动物组织)做过代言和广告,而电视导购节目更是上过无数次。[3] Greg在大屏幕上参演过《特务风云》,《终结者2018》和《守望者》(曼哈顿博士的身体)。你还能在Bravo电视台的 Workout,HGTV的Designed to Sell 还有NBC的Days of our Lives节目中看到Greg身影。他还获得2度全美摔跤冠军和1500多次的专业级跳伞凭证。在投入演艺行业和模特行业之前,Greg毕业于美国西点军校并且在游骑兵服役期间为上尉军衔,统领184人的步兵连长[4] 。格雷格 普利特自我介绍:我从来不擅长谈论自己。因为我总觉得如果真有重要的可提,那自然不言自明。所以当有人真要非得谈论自己时,我一般会觉得没什么可听的,因为他们那样尝试去说只会使所取得的成就打折扣。所以在编写自我介绍页面时,我决定直接回答一些我经常被问到的问题。常被问到的问题1. 你的家庭是怎么样的?2. 谈谈西点军校和在军队的时光3. 模特事业是如何起步的?4. 演艺事业是如何起步的?5. 谈谈从游骑兵/西点军校毕业生到演员/模特的巨大转变和对比6. 你如何看待生活?你的目标?我生于11月3日 1978年(待考证),巴尔的摩市, 马里兰州。一家四口, 我有一个大15个月的姐姐。无论高山低谷,路途有多么艰难或直到最终抵达终点实现人生梦想,他们一直是我最亲密的朋友和我人生旅途的不竭灵感源泉。如果我只列出从父母那里学到的两项优良品质,而且没有他们我就永远无法拥有的,那就是自信和职业道德。无论我思想处于什么阶段,我家人告诉我一直可以通过努力工作来精神和身体上开启人生旅行,这样宝贵的一课不仅从他们教诲中学到,更重要的是在他们的一生中能亲眼见证。他们从来不谈大道理,总是亲身实践,以身作则。从小到大,我父母也不是众多小孩理想的模范父母。当我不守规矩的时候,他们痛扁过我;当我孤立无援需要支持的时候,他们在我身后;当我在人生低谷黑暗时刻,他们总是陪伴在我身边给我慰藉和重新振作的力量和勇气。每个人最伟大的时刻不是仅仅度过,但也是在思想中永存的记忆反复演练。在我写下这些,勾起所有过去回忆时,都是跟我父母有直接或间接关系的。 我希望我以后能像我父母那样成为我子女的榜样。

