

以下是小编整理的情感类英语美文欣赏:浪漫之都--巴黎, 希望对你有所感触。


ah, beautiful paris. for centuries this city hasattracted the admiration of the world. the allureand charm of paris captivate all who visit there.


where can you discover the charm of paris foryourself? is it in the legacy of all the french rulerswho worked to beautify their beloved city? is it in the famous castles, palaces, statues andmonuments, such as the eiffel tower? can you find it in the world-class museums, such as thelouvre? perhaps paris' allure lies in the zest and style of the parisians.


when you visit paris, you don't have to spend all of your time visiting museums andmonuments. they are certainly worthy of your time, but ignore them for a day. first take sometime to look around and experience life in paris. you'll find it charming.


take a stroll along the seine river. browse through the art vendors, colorful paintings. peekthrough delicate iron gates at the well-kept gardens. watch closely for the french attention todetail that has made france synonymous with good taste. you will see it in the design of adoorway or arch and in the little fountains and quaint balconies. no matter where you look,you will find everyday objects transformed into works by art.


spend some time in a quiet park relaxing on an old bench. lie on your back on the greengrass. when you need refreshment, try coffee and pastries at a sidewalk cafe. strike up aconversation with a parisian. this isn't always easy, though. with such a large internationalpopulation living in paris, true natives are hard to find these days.


as evening comes to paris, enchantment rises with the mist over the riverfront. you mayhear music from an outdoor concert nearby: classical, jazz, opera or chansons, those frenchfolk songs. parisians love their music. the starry sky is their auditorium. you can also hearconcerts in the chateaux and cathedrals. in paris the music never ends.


don't miss the highlight of paris evening: eating out. parisians are proud of their cuisine.and rightly so; it's world famous. gourmet dining is one of the indispensable joys of living. youneed a special guidebook to help you choose one of the hundreds of excellent restaurants. thecapital of france boasts every regional specialty, cheese and wine the country has to offer. if youdon't know what to order, ask for the suggested menu. the chef likes to showcase his bestdishes there. remember, you haven't tasted the true flavor of france until you've dined at afrench restaurant in paris.

