



A male crab met a female crab and asked her to marry him.

She noticed that he was walking straight instead of sideways. Wow, she thought, this crab is really special. I can’t let him get away. So they got married immediately.

The next day she noticed her new husband walking sideways like all the other crabs, and got upset. "What happened?" she asked. "You used to walk straight before we were married."

"Oh, honey," he replied, "I can't drink that much every day."






Long ago, there lived a huge monster. The monster looked like a human, but had a large body and much hair. His eye was in the middle of his forehead.

People were really afraid of this monster. That is because the monster ate up people. The people did not go neat the woods where the monster lived.

One day, a young hunter went hunting in the woods where the monster lived. He did not know that the monster lived there. He ran into the monster.

The brave hunter took out his arrow and shot the monster. The monster did not feel any pain and attacked the hunter. "How come he got shot, but he is alright..." The hunter shot a few more arrows,but the monster was not injured at all. The hunter only had one arrow left.

"That monster has to have a weak spot. Right! It must be that eye." The hunter shot his last arrow to the monster's eye. The monster was hit. It screamed and fell. The hunterbarely killed the monster and realized it was the monster that people feared.

"This monster has to be burned so it won't ever bother people again." The hunter made a fire and turned the monster into ashes. Suddenly, a strong wind came and the ashes turned into an insect.

The insect attacked the hunter and began sucking his blood. The hunter ran away from the insect. The ashes became a mosquito that still bothers us on a hot summer day.









The dolphins quarrelled with the whales, and before very long they began fighting with one another. The battle was very fierce, and had lasted some time without any sign of coming to an end, when a sprat thought that perhaps he could stop it; so he stepped in and tried to persuade them to give up fighting and make friends. But one of the dolphins said to him contemptuously, "We would rather go on fighting till we're all killed than be reconciledby a sprat like you!"


