n. 计算机应用程序;
abbr. 应用(Application); 穿甲试验(Armor Piercing Proof); 计算机应用程序;
APP:A Posteriori Probability 后验概率
APP:Atactic Polypropylene 无规聚丙烯
APP:Association of Professional Piercers 专业Piercers协会
APP:Armor Piercing Proof 穿甲试验
APP:Asia Pulp Paper 亚洲浆纸集团公司
APP:Advanced Program-to-Program Communications 高等程序对程序通讯(网络系统架构的规约)
APP:Approach Control 进近管制
APP:Atomic Power Plant 原子能发电厂
APP:Association of Purchasing Professionals 采购人员协会
APP:Apple Product Professional 苹果产品的专业
APP:Aggregate Project Plan 合计项目计划
APP:Alliance Populaire et Progressiste (French: Popular Progress Alliance, Mauritania) Populaire联盟(法国:受欢迎。Progressiste进步联盟、茅利塔尼亚)
APP:American Payroll Association 美国的工资协会
When you are eating at a restaurant, the server may tell you bon apptit, which means good appetite, or enjoy your meal. So will we be using the internet for video on-demand, will that be the killer app? Will millions of people wide watch this video right when they want to watch it?
I think we have an app that's like, "Next Muni" here in the city.
And I'm Faith Lapidus. What would you like in an English learning mobile app if you could have one designed just for you? You don't need a light switch or a light bulb or an iPhone app to turn something on or off.
An app can be as simple as a program that turns a mobile phone into a flashlight to light your way at night. It's an iPhone app that I'm telling people about
The NewKrean team from Chulalongkorn University in Thailand named their app Terra. This is essentially a reboot of something we put together a few years ago but the thing had grown in size, this particular app.
Why am I reversing this APP, we were going to release the resources. All right.