



Adrienne: So, Hiroshi, I need to take some friends out for sushi and I think they're hoping I can tell them what to order, and I have no idea about sushi. Can you help me?


Hiroshi: OK. Sushi.. well, if you go to sushi restaurant, you notice there is two kind of big categories, that there are the two different kinds of sushi. One is nigiri, the fish cut of sashimi on top of vinegared rice and also the seaweed wrap type, that's also tekamaki, or maki. That's the two big categories I guess as for sushi goes. And also, not that many people know that but this if you go to sushi restaurant, many real sushi restaurants serve you miso soup. They get soup, have a soup stock that is coming from the fish they use, so sometimes you get to have great miso soup at the sushi restaurant and also some little appetizer type. They might have something that you probably usually don't see in isakaya or any Japanese restaurant, so it's always good to ask the sushi chef what's on the side menu.


Adrienne: OK, so I should ask the sushi chef. And the two types are nigiri, which is the kind you usually think of sushi when you see it, right? It's the rice with the fish on top and then the other kind, you said tekamaki? What does that mean?


Hiroshi: Tekamaki or maki, it's basically the seaweed, the black seawead, it's wrapped around the rice. It's one that you may have seen on TV that they like create the bed, the rice bed, and put cucumbers or tuna and also put the seaweed and you roll it up and you have this long stick of sushi and the sushi chef cuts in a bite for edible piece, so yeah, it's different, but yeah, you also dip that into soy sauce, so.


Adrienne: OK, I think I got it. So, you're talking the tekamaki are more like the rolls that you see.


Hiroshi: Or, one that has a cone shape, that they use the entire seaweed. It's like an ice-cream cone, that it goes upward.


Adrienne: You eat the whole thing?


Hiroshi: You actually do eat the whole thing. Yeah.


Adrienne: OK. I think I got it.



Adrienne: So, Hiroshi, when I go to a sushi restaurant, how do I know what to order?


Hiroshi: It depends on the mood I'd have to say cause there is a variety of sushi that you can order. One, I usually think, there's a fatty, really big flavor sushi which is toro, it's a fatty part of tuna. Even within the toro, you get o-toro, chu-toro. There's like several different kinds. It depends on how much the fat part is being contained, so if you want to go for the big flavor, I would definitely go for toro, the fatty tuna.


Adrienne: So fatter is better? For Tuna?


Hiroshi: It depends. Yes, they also have just regular red maguro, which is just the red tuna, with just lean tuna part, so it doesn't contain any fat. It's also good, so it depends on you're mood. Also, actually, my dad used to tell me that like you always end with eggs because it cleanses your palette, so...


Adrienne: Eggs like chicken eggs?


Hiroshi: Ah, yes, just regular eggs. That tamago eggs, that's kind of like scrambled eggs, but it's on top of the rice.


Adrienne: Oh, that's the big yellow cube.


Hiroshi: The big yellow one.


Adrienne: I know it. OK... So, if I order sushi it's going to be shellfish or fish or egg? Always?


Hiroshi: You also get some vegetables. Cucumbers, Kanpyo — that's another type of kind of marinated vegetable, and also nowadays some sushi restaurants have avocado. That's actually reverse imported from the United States. The traditional Japanese restaurant never had avocado as a menu, but since the United States, California-style.


Adrienne: California roll. I know it.


Hiroshi: It became very popular, that some Japanese started enjoying the California style sushi, so that you can sometimes get even in Japan nowadays.


Adrienne: I had one time, in America, I had a Seattle roll which was cream cheese and salmon in rice and seaweed, so really different cause usually there's not cheese in sushi right?


Hiroshi: : Traditionally, you'd never see cheese in any sushi menu if you go to old-school sushi restaurant in Tokyo, probably they're gonna laugh at you.


Adrienne: Yeah, it did seem a little bit strange.



Adrienne: So how do you eat the sushi? What's the best way to eat it?


Hiroshi: I usually use chopsticks but some people, they definitely prefer just using hands.


Adrienne: You can eat with your hands at the restaurant?


Hiroshi: The restaurant if it's more an upscale restaurant, that it has a little art deco that you feel that it is not like old school, but really upscale restaurant. I would recommend to use chopsticks but if it's an old school sushi restaurant and in downtown area, yeah, it's totally acceptable to use your hands.


Adrienne: Interesting. OK, so I am eating maybe with chopsticks or with my hands. Is there anything I need to put on the sushi or eat with the sushi or do I just eat is straight?


Hiroshi: OK, I think the big question's always, how much wasabi.


Adrienne: Wasabi? What's wasabi?


Hiroshi: Wasabi is a horseradish. It's really hot. The green one you might have seen.


Adrienne: Oh, it looks like putty.


Hiroshi: Correct. And the real sushi restaurant, they actually either ask you or you basically let the sushi chef decide how much they are gonna put on the sushi, and you basically, you just use soy sauce as a dip and eat it, so if you really don't like to have anything spicy you might want to tell the chef that I don't need wasabi in my sushi.


Adrienne: OK, I saw someone once at a sushi restaurant put wasabi in the soy sauce. Is that acceptable?


Hiroshi: That's acceptable but it depends on the restaurant. Some restaurants actually give you wasabi along with your sushi dish and you add the wasabi onto the soy sauce trey. That's totally fine. You can control the hotness, the spiciness. Yeah, that's fine and also you can just go without wasabi and just enjoy the natural flavor of fish.


Adrienne: What happens if you eat too much wasabi?


Hiroshi: Basically, tears comes out.


Adrienne: You burn your brain.


Hiroshi: You burn your brain. Yeah.








