Boast cross-talk
First: Our family boasts in old and well-known families!
Second: Our family is boasting in the specialized household!
First: Our boast of home does not pay taxes.
Second: We do not hand in the money in boast of home!
First: Not blowing, I will go to toilet once borning.
Second: Crawling?
First: Who is it climb to come down while being harsh?
Second: How will that go?
First: The bed acts as the lavatory!
Second: These is it wet the bed to ask!
First: I can run in three months.
Second: That must be a monster!
First: I of on the month such as three pieces mother go to work,I has to grandmother house /run grandmother house both ends.
Second: Run in this way!
First: It want say boast, I no one can than.
Second: I it believe,it dare you not here than than?
First: Blow here? No problem!
Second: Is it say heavy appetite this to want, I first meal can take five bowls of noodles!
First: Can eat 4 kilograms of boiled meat dumpling in a meal of mine!
Second: Oh, I have a fever!
First: Oh, I have a fever too!
Second: I am covering a bed of quilts to sleep in the evening, saw suddenly the next day, the quilt burnt a large hole!
First: Slept in the eveninging, I held a handful of maize in the hand, saw suddenly the next day, became puffed rice completely!
Second: I am taller than the tree!
First: I am higher than the floor!
Second: Unless I top of the head it, ride,stretch out one's hand not can stressing by plane not big!
First: My upper lip is carrying it, the lower lip is carrying the ground!
Second: Then how about your face?
First: The person boasting is shameless!
Second: Hey! -----
Joel: So, Michele, how long have you been living in Japan?
Michele: Well, in total it's been almost four years now.
Joel: Four years. OK. That's about the same for me too.
Michele: Oh, yeah.
Joel: Do you feel like your totally used to it? Are you acculturated?
Michele: I think so. At times there are still some things that are a little bit difficult but for the most part, I don't have a culture shock anymore.
Joel: For example?
Michele: Something that I still struggle with?
Joel: Yes.
Michele: Well, there's still the language barrier because I'm still not fluent in Japanese so, like today I went to the bank and I was trying to do something that was a little out of the ordinary I guess I just had some trouble and I couldn't get it done.
Joel: And you said you had gone back to the United States...
Michele: Canada.
Joel: I'm sorry. You had gone back to Canada and did you have kind of reverse culture shock when you went back?
Michele: Yes, I did actually. I... at that time, I had lived in Japan for about three years and I returned to Canada and I was so used to living in Japan and I guess I had to change my thinking and behaviors a little bit while I was in Japan so when I went back to Canada I felt like, "OK, now I have to change back."
Joel: The first thing I noticed when I had gone back to the United States was in the grocery store, the supermarket, when I was buying my food the cashier would talk to me and ask me questions.
Michele: Right.
Joel: And when I lived in Asia, the cashiers, they never talk to you, and it just threw me off. It threw me off guard. I was very surprised at how much just people you don't know will approach you and talk to you and ask you questions.
Michele: Right.
Joel: Is it the same in Canada?
Michele: Yeah. Yeah. I think so. And I also noticed when I went back to Canada, especially I lived near Toronto, and there's people from a lot of different countries in Toronto, I've been soused to seeing only Japanese pieces, so it was a little bit shock to see so many different pieces again whenever I back to Canada.
Joel: And also, you're planning to move back soon again?
Michele: Well, I'm going to go back Canada in the summer for my holidays but then I'll be back in Japan.
Joel: Oh, I see. What do you think you'll miss most while you're gone?
Michele: What will I miss about Japan?
Joel: Yeah.
Michele: I think I'll miss the food the most. I really love Japanese food.
Joel: That's exactly the same for me.
Michele: Yeah.
Joel: I'll miss my yakisoba.
Michele: And good sushi. Udon. I love udon.
Bill: Hi Tony. How're you doing?
Tony: Fine. Just got back from visiting the home of one of my Chinese colleagues.
Bill: Oh, have a good time?
Tony: Oh yes, very good. Mind you, I was bit hurt about the way they treated my present. You see, I know they like Western music so I brought them back some of the latest tapes from the UK. Had them all wrapped up beautifully and gave them to them as soon as I got inside the door and what do you think happened?
Bill: What?
Tony: Nothing. Well, more or less. They said thank you but then just put them away in a corner. Didn't even bother to unwrap them. I must say I felt a bit miffed after all the trouble I'd taken.