



1.把……看成是 take …for = regard …as

2.利用 take advantage of

3.与……相像 take after

4.小心,注意 take care

5.爱护,照料 take care of = look after

6.接管 take charge

7.生效,起作用 take effect

8.认为……理所当然 take …for granted

9.脱下(衣服),起飞(飞机)take off

10.从事,承担,呈现(面貌) take on

11.放松 take it easy

12.接管,接受 take over

13.参加,参与 take part in

14.发生,进行 take place

15.取代 take the place of

16.轮流,其次 take turns

17.采取措施 take measures

18.做记录 take notes

19.带人参观 take around

20.拿走,消除 take away

21.写下,记下take down

22.占去,占据,开始从事 take up

23.深呼吸 take a deep breath

24.为……(发信人)留个信 take a message for sb.

25.给……(收信人)留个信 take a message to sb.

26.休息 take a rest

27.坐下 take a seat

28.打出租车 take a taxi

29.坐飞机 take a plane

30.乘船 take a boat

31.乘公共汽车take a bus

32.旅行(因私) take a trip

33.吸引某人的注意 take one's attention

34.某人考试 take one's exam

35.不着急,慢慢来 take one's time

36.给……拍照 take photographs of sb./sth.

37.怜悯 take pity on sb./sth.

38.告诉某人去做某事 tell sb. to do sth.

39.告诉某人不要去做某事tell sb. not to do sth.

40.告诉某人关于某事 tell sb. about sth.

41.讲故事 tell a story= tell stories

42.说谎 tell a lie / tell lies

43.一 ……就 …… the moment that

44.因为……感谢 Thanks for……

45.多亏 Thanks to

46.那即是说 that is

47.想起,记得 think of

48.把……看作是 think of ……as

49.考虑 think about

50.仔细考虑 think over

51.高度评价 think highly of

52.辨别 tell……from

53.扔掉,抛弃 throw away

54.到处乱扔 throw about

55.切题 to the point

56.令某人惊讶的是 to one's surprise

57.令某人开心的是 to one's joy

58.令某人失望的是 to one's disappointment

59.令某人惭愧的是 to one's shame

60.令某人羡慕的是to one's admiration

61.令某人满意的是 to one's satisfation

62.尝试做某事 try doing sth.

63.尽力去做某事try to do sth.

64.试穿 try on

65.尽某人最大的努力 try one's best to do sth.

66.试用,试验 try out

67.打开 turn on

68.关上 turn off

69.开大点声 turn up

70.关小点声 turn off

71.上交 turn in

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