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The adaptation of the American film " the ", 1984 ( " Captain Richard Jenko boy " ), will play an Parker, Jackie chan, mother of Parker, and Middle school student Hansen, a school bully who plays Jackie chan as the son of Jackie chan. Parker first came to China, and he met ying, a good violinist, but Lu wei-way, a Martial Arts School from the Dragon, led his friends repeatedly to his friends. One time, Lu wei-way several people are beating Parker, Parker Community ( repairman Jackie chan ) to save him, Parker in his lead to the coach of Lu wei-way, called Lu wei-way do not bully him, and promised to coach Parker to participate in martial arts competition. Han Yu draw in for acts, gradually Parker martial arts more and more high. During the match, Parker's mother, ying and ying's father came to watching. Parker rushed to the final, but was injured in the first game of the final, but he insisted on the match, standing in the same league with Lu wei-way, although Lu wei-way won the championship, Lu wei-way personally handed the cup to Parker and took Dragon school.Parker rushed to the final, but was injured in the first game of the final, but he insisted on the match, standing in the same league with Lu wei-way, although Lu wei-way won the championship, Lu wei-way personally handed the cup to Parker and Belt


改编自1984年的美国同名电影 The Karate Kid 1984(《龙威小子》)


Parker初次来到中国,和小提琴拉得很好的美莹结识,但出身龙腾武校的陆伟程带领他的伙伴屡次围打他。一次,陆伟程几人正殴打Parker时,Parker小区的韩先生(修理工 成龙饰演)及时救了他,Parker在他的带领下去找陆伟程的教练和解,叫陆伟程一伙人不要再欺负他,并答应教练Parker参加武术大赛 。



Life will knock us down, but we can choose ,whether or not ,to get back up



《功夫梦》翻拍自1 9 8 4 年美国同名电影《龙威小子》(The Karate Kid 1984)。这部由中影集团、索尼哥伦比亚、威尔-史密斯的电影公司Overbrook联合出品,成龙与美国电影巨星威尔-史密斯爱子贾登-史密斯主演的功夫巨制,在美国率先上映仅三天,票房成绩就一路飙升至第一并达到5600万美元,不仅成功收回制作成本,还比同时期排名第二的电影《天龙特工队》票房多出一倍多。接下来,随着影片在全球范围内的上映,更是受到了各国功夫影片迷的热情追捧。根据海推公司统计数据显示,截止7月底,本片在全球票房收入已达到16.35亿元,所占比例为2010年海外票房收入的63%。


